About us

Tobias Wehrli

Tobias Wehrli


Uni Pignon, 712


+41 (0)22 379 86 81



Tobias is the web manager of the Centre for Continuing and Distance Education (CCDE). He's in charge of the database of the continuing education courses (Publicato) and updates the website and the Intranet.

Tobias holds a Master in Translation of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (FTI) of the Univiersity of Geneva. He also works as an editorial assitant for the FTI's scholarly journal Parallèles and teaches a computer assisted translation course at the Department of Translation Technology (TIM).

Before joining the CCDE, Tobias has been workinng as webmaster and continuing education coordinator at InZone. He has also been working as a freelance translator and translation technology consultant for several years.