Research Associates
Ovie Emmanuel Eruteya
Seismic interpretation and seismic stratigraphy, offshore gas seepage and CO2 sequestration site selection.
Alessia Mistretta
Senior Researcher
Expert in geo-archelogy, Greek and Latin philology, ancient history, art history and Greek and Roman archaeology.
Silvia Omodeo Salé
Senior Researcher
Organic petrography, Basin Analysis, Thermal modelling, Petroleum System evaluation.
web pagePhD Student
Emna Meftah
PhD Student
Stratigraphy and reservoir distribution of the Quaternary deposits in the Geneva Basin and neighboring France (FCC) study
Samuel Carmalt
PhD Student
Mineralogy and Organic petrography of the Marcellus Shales: a comparison study from outcrop and subsurface (Pennsylvania, US).
web pageMSc Students / Internship
Group alumni/ae
Maximilian Haas
PhD Student
Geophysical, geotechnical and mineralogical classification for excavated molasse material in the Geneva Basin for potential re-use scenarios as part of CERN’s Future Circular Collider (FCC) study
Marc Perret
PhD Student
Petrographic and geochemical characterization of an exhumed geothermal system, Vuache Fault (SW Geneva Basin, France).
Aymeric Le Cotonnec
Clastic reservoir sedimentology, reservoir modelling, drone image acquisition and processing for 3D model integration.