
Balsiger Jörg



Jörg Balsiger is Associate Professor at the Department of Geography and Environment (Geneva School of Social Sciences) and the Institute for Environmental Sciences.

CV and publications here

Research interests

As an internationally recognized environmental governance and sustainable development expert, his recent activities include basic and applied research on regional environmental cooperation; transboundary mountain governance; science promotion and advocacy at the national  regional, and global level; as well as transdisciplinarity and education for sustainable development.


  • 14E206 FND Société et durabilité, Master en sciences de l’environnement
  • T406067 Territoires et Frontières, Maîtrise en géographie politique et culturelle et autres masters SDS
  • T406003 Sustainable Development and Political Innovation
  • T206060 Enjeux environnementaux (à partir de l'automne 2024)
  • 14E200 Atelier interdisciplinarité, Master en sciences de l'environnement (à partir de l'automne 2024)
  • "Agenda 2030 et la Grande transformation en vue d'undéveloppement durable" (module du CAS "Développement durable : horizon 2030")¨
  • "Travail d’intégration" (module du CAS "Développement durable : horizon 2030")

Ongoing projects

  • Violence against environmental defenders in mining, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Regional Environmental Governance: A global assessment (REG-Data)
  • Enabling Global Change Research on Mountains: The Mountain Research Initiative Coordination Office"(Académie suisse des sciences naturelles)

Projects completed

  • Global ecosystem services and local water conservation knowledge battlefields in the Ecuadorian highlands, funded by Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation / Universität St. Gallen, Seed Money Grant for Latin American Region
  • Mountains Connect / Adaptation at Altitude, United Nations Environment Programme / Swiss Agency for Development and Coperation
  • PHUSICOS: 'According to nature' - solutions to reduce risk in mountain landscapes, funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020)
  • Strengthening Climate change adaptation capacities in the South Caucasus, in partnership with Sustainable Caucasus, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
  • Accelerating Climate Action - Global comparison of regional mountain governance, in partnership with the Mountain Research Initiative, funded by UN Environment
  • Facilitating evidence-based policy recommendations for states to improve the protection of environmental civil society and environmental defenders, funded by the Geneva Science-Policy Interface
  • At risk: Understanding contemporary environmental civil society challenges, funded by the Fondation Ernest Boninchi
  • Closing the Loop: Enhancing Interdisciplinarity in Research and Teaching, Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
  • EE-REG - Comparing Regional Environmental Governance in East Asia and Europe, Swiss National Science Foundation
  • ERMI - European Regional Mountain Initiatives: From Pyrenees to Caucasus, Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Mountlennium - Reaching Millennium Development Goals through Regional Mountain Governance, Swiss Network for International Studies
  • REGov - Regional Environmental Governance: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Theoretical Perspectives, Comparative Designs", Swiss National Science Foundation and Swiss Network for International Studies
  • Sub-regional environmental governance and transboundary conservation dynamics in Vietnam and neighbouring countries, funded by Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Bilateral research collaboration with Asia 2017-2020
  • Supporting Sustainable Mountain Development in the Caucasus (Sustainable Caucasus) (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, 2015-2018)
  • Swiss Platform for Sustainable Development Research (funded by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, CreST – Creating spaces for transdisciplinary learning
  • SWISS-SDR - Swiss Platform for Sustainable Development Research
  • Reorient: Regional Orders in International Environmental Politics (SNSF Professorship, 2015-2021)
  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Higher Education (UNIGE-Yonsei Joint Seed Funding 2019)
  • Jinx!, funded by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and td-net (Programme U Change, 2018-2021)




Prof. Jörg Balsiger


+41 22 379 94.53
