Balsiger Jörg
Jörg Balsiger is Associate Professor at the Department of Geography and Environment (Geneva School of Social Sciences) and the Institute for Environmental Sciences. |
Research interests
As an internationally recognized environmental governance and sustainable development expert, his recent activities include basic and applied research on regional environmental cooperation; transboundary mountain governance; science promotion and advocacy at the national regional, and global level; as well as transdisciplinarity and education for sustainable development.
- 14E206 FND Société et durabilité, Master en sciences de l’environnement
- T406067 Territoires et Frontières, Maîtrise en géographie politique et culturelle et autres masters SDS
- T406003 Sustainable Development and Political Innovation
- T206060 Enjeux environnementaux (à partir de l'automne 2024)
- 14E200 Atelier interdisciplinarité, Master en sciences de l'environnement (à partir de l'automne 2024)
- "Agenda 2030 et la Grande transformation en vue d'undéveloppement durable" (module du CAS "Développement durable : horizon 2030")¨
- "Travail d’intégration" (module du CAS "Développement durable : horizon 2030")
Ongoing projects
- Violence against environmental defenders in mining, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
- Regional Environmental Governance: A global assessment (REG-Data)
- Enabling Global Change Research on Mountains: The Mountain Research Initiative Coordination Office"(Académie suisse des sciences naturelles)
Projects completed
- Global ecosystem services and local water conservation knowledge battlefields in the Ecuadorian highlands, funded by Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation / Universität St. Gallen, Seed Money Grant for Latin American Region
- Mountains Connect / Adaptation at Altitude, United Nations Environment Programme / Swiss Agency for Development and Coperation
- PHUSICOS: 'According to nature' - solutions to reduce risk in mountain landscapes, funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020)
- Strengthening Climate change adaptation capacities in the South Caucasus, in partnership with Sustainable Caucasus, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
- Accelerating Climate Action - Global comparison of regional mountain governance, in partnership with the Mountain Research Initiative, funded by UN Environment
- Facilitating evidence-based policy recommendations for states to improve the protection of environmental civil society and environmental defenders, funded by the Geneva Science-Policy Interface
- At risk: Understanding contemporary environmental civil society challenges, funded by the Fondation Ernest Boninchi
- Closing the Loop: Enhancing Interdisciplinarity in Research and Teaching, Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
- EE-REG - Comparing Regional Environmental Governance in East Asia and Europe, Swiss National Science Foundation
- ERMI - European Regional Mountain Initiatives: From Pyrenees to Caucasus, Swiss National Science Foundation
- Mountlennium - Reaching Millennium Development Goals through Regional Mountain Governance, Swiss Network for International Studies
- REGov - Regional Environmental Governance: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Theoretical Perspectives, Comparative Designs", Swiss National Science Foundation and Swiss Network for International Studies
- Sub-regional environmental governance and transboundary conservation dynamics in Vietnam and neighbouring countries, funded by Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Bilateral research collaboration with Asia 2017-2020
- Supporting Sustainable Mountain Development in the Caucasus (Sustainable Caucasus) (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, 2015-2018)
- Swiss Platform for Sustainable Development Research (funded by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, CreST – Creating spaces for transdisciplinary learning
- SWISS-SDR - Swiss Platform for Sustainable Development Research
- Reorient: Regional Orders in International Environmental Politics (SNSF Professorship, 2015-2021)
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Higher Education (UNIGE-Yonsei Joint Seed Funding 2019)
- Jinx!, funded by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and td-net (Programme U Change, 2018-2021)
Publications |