

The University of Geneva currently works with numerous international organisations (IOs/NGOs). As part of these partnerships, several cooperation agreements have been signed, with more underway.


Institution Areas of collaboration  


Research and teaching activities in the areas of theoretical physics and experimental physics


 Delegation of the European Union to the
UN and other international organisations in Geneva

Cooperation on student internships  

 Geneva Centre for Security Policy   

 Partnership - MAS in International and European Security


Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining

Partnership - Master in Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability


 ICRC (Dept. of History)

 Scientific cooperation in the areas of contemporary history, history of law and humanitarian action



 Partnerships in the areas of education, research and humanitarian health | sharing of expertise | raising awareness on humanitarian issues



 Training of professionals in the humanitarian field | reinforce research in the humanitarian field



 Training of interpreters



The University of Geneva has observer status



Joint research and teaching at the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies



Incorporation of labour rights related issues in relevant courses and activities at GSEM



Parternship | MA in Standardization, Social regulation and Sustainable development   


Partnership with the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies around the Humanitarian Encyclopedia, a collaborative platform to produce and apply knowledge on humanitarian concepts that guides an effective humanitarian response  


Partnership with the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies around the Humanitarian Encyclopedia, a collaborative platform to produce and apply knowledge on humanitarian concepts that guides an effective humanitarian response  


Cooperation in training of candidates for competitive language examinations  


Research in the areas of social and economic development | joint research centre on sustainability|internships



Development of a Science Policy Interface | strengthen the achievement of Agenda 2030  

 UN Environment | OFEV

Agreement for the operation and support of GRID Europe  

 UN Environment

Development of an integrated policy framework for a new sustainable infrastructure agenda. Organize events such as the annual forum on sustainable infrastructure  

UN Environment | Global Mercury Partnership

The University of Geneva is a member of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership  


The University of Geneva has observer status  




 Promoting the education and practice of open innovation for the SDGs




Sustainable Development | CSR within maternal health, sexual and reproductive health and
rights, gender and data 



Housing of the WFPHA within the Institute of Global Health  


Cooperation on student internships  


Cooperation in the furtherance of training and teaching in the area of intellectual property | cooperation in the joint summer school on intellectual property |cooperate in joint
conferences, symposia, workshops and other educational programs of common interest. Faculty of Law



Cooperation in the training of students in conference interpretation (FTI)



Cooperation in the area of translation, the exchange of information and internships for FTI


Cooperation in training students in conference interpretation (FTI)