Post-Doctoral Research Associate
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Andy is joining the English department at the University of Geneva in autumn 2023 as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate on the Shakespeare’s Lyric Poetry SNSF project, which is led by Professor Lukas Erne.
Andy holds a PhD in English Literature from the University of Lausanne, which he completed in 2022 with a thesis entitled “William Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Publication and Performance, 1709–1735”. Andy also holds an MA in English Literature from the University of Lausanne (2017), a Masters in Education (Applied Linguistics) from the Open University (2015), and a BA in Drama and Theatre Arts from Goldsmiths College, University of London (2003).
He is passionate about theatrical performance and has acted in a number of plays staged at the Lausanne Shakespeare Festival and the Fécule Festival at the University of Lausanne, including Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Hamlet. In 2020, he directed a production of Meet Me at Dawn by Zinnie Harris that was performed at both the Fécule Festival and the Friscènes International Theatre Festival in Fribourg.
His current research interests include book history, textual editing, theatre history, and Shakespeare in publication during the eighteenth century.
Qu’est-ce qu’un personnage? (What is a Character?)
EPFL Press, forthcoming. Co-written with Kevin Curran, Vincent Laughery, and Josefa Terribilini
“Thomas Johnson’s and Mary Wellington’s Single-Text Editions of Hamlet and the Copyright Act of 1710.”
Modern Philology 120, no. 2 (November 2022): 212–236.
“The Correct Publication Date of Mary Wellington’s ‘1718’ Edition of Hamlet.”
Notes and Queries 266, no. 2 (June 2021): 217–219.
“The Origins of the Player King and Player Queen Speech Prefixes in Hamlet.”
Notes and Queries 266, no. 1 (March 2021): 104–106.
University of Lausanne, Prix de Faculté awarded for PhD thesis (2023)
University of Lausanne, Prix de Faculté awarded for MA dissertation (2018)
Newberry Renaissance Consortium Grant (2019)
Awarded to fund a research trip to the Folger Shakespeare Library
Newberry Renaissance Consortium Grant (2017)
Awarded to fund attendance at the 2018 Newberry Library Graduate Student Conference
Andy is teaching the “Restoration Drama” seminar course at the University of Geneva in autumn 2023.
He has previously taught the following BA courses at the University of Lausanne:
English Composition
Explication de Textes: George Etherege’s The Man of Mode
Explication de Textes: William Wycherley’s The Country Wife
Explication de Textes: William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Practising English Proficiency