Pierre Pénet

Dr Pierre Pénet

Research and Teaching Fellow (Maître-assistant), remplacé par Mattia Vacchiano

Pour toute question, prière de s'adresser à Mattia Vacchiano (@unige.ch)


Pierre Pénet holds a PhD in sociology from Northwestern University and Sciences Po Paris (2014). He is a Research and Teaching Fellow (Maître-assistant) in the Sociology Department at the University of Geneva and was Fellow at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (2019-2020). His expertise straddles the boundaries of economic sociology and the history of quantification. He has worked extensively on topics of credit rating agencies, the European debt crisis, austerity programs and the legal doctrine of odious debt. His work has been published by the British Journal of Sociology, European Journal of Sociology, Poetics, Sociologie du Travail, etc. He has two forthcoming books: an edited volume (with Juan Flores) entitled Sovereign debt diplomacies: Rethinking sovereign debt from colonial empires to hegemony (2020, Oxford University Press) and a monograph Les prophètes de la finance : le cœur inquiet de la société du risque with Les Éditions du Croquant (expected publication in 2021). 
