Publication 21 de l'année 2021

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  1. Hybrids of Cationic [4]Helicene and N-Heterocyclic Carbene as Ligands for Complexes Exhibiting (Chir)Optical Properties in the Far Red Spectral Window
    Tarrieu, R.; Hernandez Delgado, I.; Zinna, F.; Dorcet, V.; Colombel-Rouen, S.; Crévisy, C.; Baslé, O.; Bosson, J.; Lacour, J.
    Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 3793-3796

Synthesis, electronic and structural properties of a chiral NHC bearing a N-bonded cationic [4]helicene moiety are reported. This ligand is used to construct AuI, AuIII and RhI complexes exhibiting far-red (chir)optical properties regardless of the metal.

DOI : 10.1039/D1CC00898F 

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