Teaching & Trainning

ACCESS Geneva is involved in several courses for the student of the Unige Faculty of sciences. The facility also organise an HCS workshop every two year for swiss academia scientist.



  • Light microscopy course (with Unige Bioimaging platform, 14B063A): 90 min introduction to HCS and automated microscopy, followed by a presentation of the facility. 15/20 students, Master or Phd level.
  • Microscopy praticals (12C902B): 6 microscopy techniques (Spinning disc, SEM, Wiedfield, Automated microscopy, TEM, TIRF), Image J overview. 12 assitants from Unige biochemistry department. 20+ students 3rd year bachelor biochemistry.
  • Introduction to image processing and analysis: 240 min introduction to complex image and phenotypic anaylsis processes. Software demo. 8 sutdents from the PhD School
  • System Biology of Membrane traffic: 120 min introduction to system biology, presentation of several contributions in the field of membrane trafficking. 10/15 students Master in Membrane Biology


Workshop: Next session Oct. 2024 !

  • Introduction to automated microscopy, theoretical and practical work: Preparation of cell sample using automated tools. Fixation and immuno-staining using automated plate washer. Image acquisition on the ImageXpress micro. Image and data analysis using Biocomputing tools. Open to 6 participants from all Swiss academia. Nest session Oct. 2024. Details below:
The workshop will introduce 6 participants into Automated microscopy, HCS, robotics for cell bio and Image analysis, through theoretical and practical work.
It will take place on October 15 to 17th 2024 at UNIGE (Sciences II). 



- Hands on robotic tools

- Fixation and labeling of cells/spheroids with antibodies/fluo-compound using automated plate washers

- Image acquisition using the automated microscope ImageXpress® Micro Confocal

- Image analysis using Biocomputing tools (MetaXpress - Custom Module Editor™) 

Dates: Oct. 15 > 17th , 2024.

Location: UNIGE, Sciences II

Organizers: Dimitri Moreau, Stefania Vossio, Vincent Mercier

Contact/registration: Please send your details and your motivation to participate to dimitri.moreau(at)unige.ch

Maximum number of participants: 6

Registration closes on October 1rst


We highly encourage first year PhD students, who will need confocal microscopy for there research project, to apply.