Subproject E: The Index theologico-scholasticus
The aim of sub-project E is to create a thematically organized online catalog of primary source material about Reformed scholasticism (and scholastic thought in general). While existing databases are mere collections of bibliographic material or repositories of texts, the Index Theologico-Scholasticus will point to passages within a work where a specific topic is dealt with. It combines the Loci communes approach of the time in order to identify topics, and semantic web technologies in order to link them. For the creation of the textual corpus, the project is cooperating with the Scholastic Commentaries and Texts Archive (SCTA). See the Resources section on this site for a list of texts that have already been transcribed.
Lambert Daneau, Index locorum communium, in In D. Pauli priorem Epistolam ad Timotheum commentarius, Geneva 1577, fol. 6r, ©