
External Events Attended to by ADP Members

Sept 5-9, 2022

Consensus - 43. Kölner Mediävistentagung, Cologne

  • Zachary Seals: Icons and notions of consensus: A test case in reformed accounts of Catholicity 
  • Ueli Zahnd: Saniores scholastici consonant. Zur Rolle des Konsenses mit mittelalter­licher Theologie in der frühorthodoxen reformierten Polemik  

Aug 22-26, 2022

The XVth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy, Paris-Aubervilliers

Special session Philosophie et théologie réformées face à la pensée radicale: prolongations d’un débat médiéval

  • Arthur Huiban: La philosophie au secours de la Trinité: augustinisme et scotisme dans la tradition réformée
  • Zachary Seals: A Radical Departure? The Beatific Vision in Reformed Scholasticism
  • Giovanni Gellera: Metaphysica reformata? The Medieval Legacy and the Fight against Radical Thought

June 29-July 1, 2022

6èmes Journées suisses d'histoire, Geneva

  • Giovanni Gellera: The Plague and Early Modern Philosophy

April 28, 2022

Church History Seminar, University of Copenhagen

  • Ueli Zahnd: From Exegesis to Dogmatics: Niels Hemmingsen, Theological Method, and the Emergence of Protestant Scholasticism

April 21-23, 2022

British Society for the History of Philosophy, annual conference, Edinburgh

  • Giovanni Gellera: Johannes Clauberg and the Philosophy of German Language

Feb 18-19, 2022

Societas Mediaevistica, University of Göttingen

  • Giovanni Gellera, Arthur Huiban, Zachary Seals, Ueli Zahnd: A Disregarded Past - Medieval Scholasticism and Reformed Thought (project presentation)

Nov 23-24, 2021

L’expérience intime du divin au prisme de l’histoire. Colloque CUSO, Geneva

  • Arthur Huiban: Luther mystique ?
  • Zachary Seals: A Beatific Piety. Eschatology, Deification, and Preaching in Reformed Orthodoxy
  • Ueli Zahnd: Calvin et l’expérience de Dieu

Oct 25, 2021

Séminaire de recherche des modernistes et médiévistes lausannois

  • Giovanni Gellera, Arthur Huiban, Zachary Seals, Ueli Zahnd: Un passé négligé – scolastique médiévale et pensée réformée

Sept 30-Oct 1, 2021

Renaissances. Mots, représentations et interprétations (XIIe -XVIIIe siècle), Paris-Nanterre

  • Ueli Zahnd: Restauration, renouveau, rupture: la renaissance du passé dans la réforme protestante

Sept 13, 2021

Divine Flesh: Human Being in Early Christianity and Today, Doctoral Colloquium with Prof. Dr. John Behr (University of Bern, held online)

  • Zachary Seals: Beholding the Perfect Image. The Beatific Vision in Its Anthropological Context

Feb 11-13, 2021

Cognitive Issues in the Long Scotist Tradition, South Bohemia University, České Budějovice

  • Giovanni Gellera: Univocity of being, Cartesianism and “proto-idealism” in Johannes Clauberg (16221665)
  • Arthur Huiban: Melanchthon’s Loci communes on free will: a Scotist criticism of Scotism?
  • Ueli Zahnd: The Epistemological Limits of Religious Images. On the Scotist Sources of a Reformed Theological Tenet

Dec 4-5, 2020

The Quodlibet of John Duns Scotus: Doctrine, Sources, and Influence (digital conference organized by the University of Bonn) [no presentations by ADP]

Oct 15-17, 2020

Reformation Readings of Paul, University of Zurich

  • Arthur Huiban: Calvin’s commentary on Rom 1,18-23: Natural Knowledge of God and Atheist’s inexcusability
  • Ueli Zahnd: Early Basel Readings of Romans: Wolgang Capito and Johannes Oecolampad