
Donald Glowinski

Senior Researcher

Directory details

Institution : University of Geneva

General Information

My research interests include the study of behavioural and brain bases of human interaction in musical emotional contexts.


My background covers scientific, humanistic academic studies and high-level musical training. - EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) MSc, in Cognitive Science, CNSMDP (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris) MSc. in Music and Acoustics, Sorbonne-Paris IV MSc. in Philosophy. I completed my Phd in computing engineering at University of Genoa (dir: Prof. Camurri).

I was research fellow at Casa Paganini – InfoMus Intl Research Centre of University of Genoa from 2009 to 2013. 

Chairman of Club NIME 2008, INTETAIN 2011 and Sysmus13 International conferences on music and new technologies. I have been awarded the Prix pour la Vocation by the Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation and the Declic Jeunes award by Fondation de France for my pedagogical projects on music and science.

Current Research

I work as a scientific collaborator at University of Geneva with Prof. Didier Grandjean.

In parallel, I teache “interactive multimedia” at Conservatorio Paganini (Genoa) and “statistics” at faculty of Psychology (Univ. of Genoa).

