NCCR Affective Sciences Archive

Equal opportunities

Our objective is to encourage the advancement of women in their academic career by creating appropriate conditions and increasing the competences of young women researchers. We offer:

Stipend for NCCR collaborators with parental obligations

  • 10% of supplementary salary is provided for young researchers who raise alone children in the preschool age
  • 5% of supplementary salary is provided for young researchers who raise in couple children in the preschool age

Encouragement of mobility

  • Special funding allowing female researchers to attend conferences and to present their work
  • Accepting women researchers as invited scholars to the NCCR Affective Sciences allowing them to increase their training and their chances for employment.

Consciousness raising for NCCR project leaders to particularly encourage women to

  • Apply for NCCR positions
  • Present and publish their research internationally
  • To apply for grant or stipend funding opportunities
  • Regular update for project leaders on the gender distribution of NCCR collaborators

Workshops for women collaborators in the NCCR on career planning and career advancement; the main goals of these workshops will be:

  • Optimizing the CV
  • Applying for grants and stipends
  • Optimizing the performance during a job interview


Upcoming gender events


What Where Who
February 28, 2018 COMPLET - Prise de parole - boîte à outils University of Fribourg REGARD
March 6, 2018 Gestion des données de recherche University of Lausanne REGARD
March 9, 2018 Se préparer à la leçon d'épreuve University of Geneva REGARD
March 20, 2018 Preparing your application for a professorship University of Lausanne REGARD
March 27, 2018 POSTPONED - Facilitation techniques for working groups University of Geneva REGARD
April 12-13 & June 5, 2018 Self-empowerment: discover how to build your power to act EPFL REGARD
April 17, 2018 Reconnaître et affirmer ses potentiels University of Geneva REGARD
May 3, 2018 Confident research presentations  HES-SO Master, Lausanne REGARD
May 8, 2018 Finding and applying for funding in academia University of Neuchâtel REGARD
May 24, 2018 #marecherche : Rayonner grâce aux réseaux sociaux University of Lausanne REGARD
July 2-6, 2018 Prejudice, discrimination, and the diversity challenge summer school University of Geneva University of Geneva
July 5 & 6, 2018 Interpersonal communication for women scientists EPFL REGARD


Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast
Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC)
University of Lausanne

Prof. David Sander
Department of Psychology
University of Geneva