

Analytical tool for 3D monitoring of platelet function (3D-PLTS):

Blood platelets play a major role in the process of blood coagulation and are involved in cardio/cerebro-vascularaccidents. An efficient analytical tool to assess the various aspects of platelet functions is missing. 3D-PLTS willdevelop a 3D-aggregometer, able to mimic the in vivo hemodynamic conditions in a disposable flow chip and toquantify within the chip, the platelet aggregation, adhesion and spreading thanks to a new optical instrumentbased on digital holographic microscopy.

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In Silico clinical Trials for acute Ischemic Stroke (INSIST):

The INSIST consortium is the result of a truly multi-disciplinary and multi-sectorial effort. It is headed by an interventional neuroradiologist and combines the knowledge of multiple experts in computational science, biology, biophysics, biomedical engineering, epidemiology, and radiological, neurological, and cardiovascular clinical research. The crucial involvement of academic and large teaching hospitals will secure access to patient data and clinical expertise. This will ensure that the in silico tools resulting from this project have a direct impact in the clinic. All the relevant end users (neurologists and intervention radiologists, as well as device- and pharma industry) are member of the INSIST consortium and involved in the entire process to ensure a successful and relevant development of the in silico tools.

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H2020 European Project ( grant agreement No 777072)