

In today’s dynamic business environment, the quest for competitive advantage becomes ever more difficult. Small as well as large companies need to acquire tools to systematically analyze the industrial ecosystem and consumer behavior, understand digitalization opportunities and challenges, and swiftly adapt to change. The ability to tap into knowledge pools and to integrate new ideas from diverse countries and contexts becomes a critical prerequisite for success, as companies experiment with new corporate structures, coordination and control mechanisms, and establish partnerships with stakeholders in the public and private sector.

The Institute of Management addresses these pertinent questions by conducting research that is inspired by today’s practical challenges and seeks to contribute to debates with businesses and policymakers. Our research is driven by the desire to develop new perspectives and rigorous methodologies that further inspiring and thoughtful scholarship. It spans research activities in Business Analytics, Business Law, Decision Sciences, Human Resource Management, International Management, Marketing, Operations Management, Strategy, and Sustainability.


RECENT publications

Bocquet, R., Cotterlaz-Rannard, G., & Ferrary, M. 2024. How Do Prestigious Universities Remain at the Summit: A Bourdieusian View of their Business Models. British Journal of Management.

Fischer, T., Dietz, J., & Antonakis, J. 2024. A fatal flaw: Positive leadership style research creates causal illusions. The Leadership Quarterly, 35(3), Article 101771.

Jeong, J., Ghaddar, B., Zufferey, N., & Nathwani, J. 2024. Adaptive robust electric vehicle routing under energy consumption uncertainty. Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies160, Article 104529.

Raisch, S. & Fomina, K. 2024. Combining Human and Artificial Intelligence: Hybrid Problem Solving in Organizations. Academy of Management Review.

Schrempf-Stirling, J., & Van Buren, H. J. 2024. The Importance of Human Rights for Management and Organization Studies. British Journal of Management, 35(3),  1127–1140.

Vives-Gabriel, J., Schrempf-Stirling, J., & Coraiola, D. M. 2024. Dealing with Organizational Legacies of Irresponsibility. Academy of Management Perspectives.

Ziano, I., & Polman, E. 2024. Prototypes of Victims of Workplace Harassment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Fischer, T. 2023. Measuring behaviors counterfactually. The Leadership Quarterly34(6). Article 101750.

Fischer, T., Hambrick D. C., Sajons G. B., & van Quaquebeke N. 2023. Leadership science beyond questionnaires. The Leadership Quarterly34(6), Article 101752.

Fischer, T., & Sitkin, S. B. 2023. Leadership styles: A comprehensive assessment and way forward. Academy of Management Annals17(1).

Krakowski, S., Luger, J., & Raisch, S. 2023. Artificial intelligence and the changing sources of competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal44(6), 1425–1452.

Kunisch, S., Denyer, D., Bartunek, J. M., Menz, M., & Cardinal, L. B. 2023. Review research as scientific inquiry. Organizational Research Methods26(1), 3–45.

Langan, R., Krause, R., & Menz, M. 2023. Executive board chairs: Examining the performance consequences of a corporate governance hybrid. Journal of Management49(7), 2218–2253.

Schrempf-Stirling, J., & Wettstein, F. 2023. The mutual reinforcement of hard and soft regulation. Academy of Management Perspectives37(1).

Tatarinov, K., Ambos, T. C., & Chang, F. T. 2023. Scaling digital solutions for wicked problems: Ecosystem versatility. Journal of International Business Studies54(4), 631–656.

Tippmann, E., Ambos, T. C.Del Giudice, M., Monaghan, S., & Ringove, D. 2023. Scale-ups and scaling in an international business context. Journal of World Business58(1), Article 101397.

Vié, M.-S., Zufferey, N., & Minner, S. 2023. A matheuristic for tactical locomotive and driver scheduling for the Swiss national railway company SBB Cargo AG. OR Spectrum45, 11131151.

Wang, D., & Ziano, I. 2023. Give Me a Straight Answer: Response Ambiguity Diminishes Likability. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Ziano, I., & Koc, Y. 2023. Prototypes of People With Depression. Psychological Science, 34(12), 1295–1308.

Ziano, I., & Villanova, D. 2023. More useful to you: Believing that others find the same objects more useful. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 106, Article 104460.

Andrews, D. S., Fainshmidt, S., Ambos, T., & Haensel, K. 2022. The attention-based view and the multinational corporation: Review and research agenda. Journal of World Business57(2), Article 101302.

Krim, H., Zufferey, N., Potvin, J.-Y., Benmansour, R., & Duvivier, D. 2022. Tabu search for a parallel-machine scheduling problem with periodic maintenance, job rejection and weighted sum of completion times. Journal of Scheduling, 25, 89–105.

Vié, M.-S., Zufferey, N., & Leus, R. 2022. Aircraft landing planning under uncertain conditions. Journal of Scheduling25, 203–228.

Visnjic, I., Jovanovic, M., & Raisch, S. 2022. Managing the transition to a dual business model: Tradeoff, paradox, and routinized practices. Organization Science, 33(5), 1701–2083.

> For a complete list, please visit our Knowledge & Publications page.


Recent Ph.D. Theses

Human-AI Collaboration in Organizations (Fomina, K. 2024)

The Role of Business in Building Peace and Democracy in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries (Croce, J.T. 2024)

A Business Model Approach of the Adaptation Process: Three Lessons from the Analysis of the Swiss Press Dynamics (Saltini, Y. 2023)

Better marketing research for a better world (Bernardic, U. 2022)

Altering societal institutions to tackle grand challenges: Three essays on change within organizations, through partnerships, and across ecosystems (Grabski, T. 2022)

Hybrid algorithms for designing production lines (Kassoul, K. 2022)

Nonprofit Business Models: A Bourdieusian Perspective (Cotterlaz-Rannard, G. 2021)

Organizing the Multinational Hybrid Organization: The Next Step in Organizing for Sustainable Value (Fuchs, S. H. 2021)

Managing, structuring and scaling innovation in international organizations (Tatarinov, K. 2021)

Multi-neighborhood local searches for industrial problems in production, transportation and distribution (Vie, M.-S. 2020)

Customers’ Experienced Product Quality: Conceptualization and Operationalization of a Multidimensional Measure of Product Quality (Das Guru, R. R. 2020)

Essays on Voluntary CEO Departure (Darouichi, A. 2020)

The Role of Stakeholder Sentiment in Strategic Decision-Making: a Behavioral Perspective (Nauhaus, S. 2020)

Artificial intelligence in organizations: strategy and decision making in the digital age (Krakowski, S. 2020)

Relevant consumer research: prediction, explanation and replication (Krefeld-Schwalb, A. 2020

> Click here for more information on the Ph.D. in Management program.

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