
Alina Tigau

Mme Alina Tigau



Born in Bucharest, Romania, March 7, 1981

Romanian nationality


Academic appointments


March 2014 – present




Faculty of Letters, Department of Linguistics

Post-doctoral researcher  

Scientific Exchange Programme (Sciex-NMS) no. 12 203 (98 000 CHF), ‘Syntax and Semantics of Indefinite Direct Objects’, supervisors prof. dr. Alice ter Meulen (University of Geneva), prof. dr. Alexandra Cornilescu (University of Bucharest)


 Oct. 2011 – present

(on leave until Feb. 2015)


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Department of English

Assistant Professor


Feb. 2008 – Oct. 2011


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Department of English

Teaching Assistant


January 2014 – 2018



Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Department of English

Consulting researcher

Project: Unité et diversité dans le marquage différentiel de l’objet,  Fédération Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques du CNRS, FR 2558, project coordinator Alexandru Mardale (SeDyl, UMR 8202 INALCO,

CNRS, IRD). Joint project on differential object marking across languages between several laboratories and research centers in Paris, (SeDyl, UMR 8202 INALCO, CNRS, IRD, LACITO 7170, CRLAO UMR 8563, HTL UMR 7597, LLF UMR 7110, LPP UMR 7018, SFL UMR 7023, LaCNAD EA 4092) and various researchers from the Romanian Academy, the University of Bucharest, Romania, University of Zürich, University of Göttingen, Radboud University of Nimègue


Oct. 2011 – Feb. 2014



Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Department of English

Junior researcher

 Project: The Structure and the Interpretation of the Romanian Nominal Phrase within DRT: the Determiners, financed by UEFISCDI, no. PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0959, director prof. dr. Alexandra Cornilescu (University of Bucharest)


2008 - 2013


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Department of English

Junior researcher

 Project: Verben und Argumentstrukturen financed by the “Alexander von Humboldt” Foundation, and initiated by Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim together with the University of Bucharest (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the Department for Germanic Languages), director prof. dr. Stefan Engelberg (IDS Mannheim)


 July – August 2008


Faculty of Letters

Junior researcher

 Project: Dual electric-acoustic speech processor with linguistic assessment tools for deaf individuals with residual low frequency hearing; financed by the European Union, FP7-SME-2007-1 project 222291 DUAL PRO (2008-2010), collaboration between University of Antwerpen (Belgium), University of Bucharest (Romania), Otoconsult (Belgia), Neurelec (France), Del Bo Tecnologia per L’ Ascolto (Italy), Leiden University (the Netherlands), CNRS-LPP (France), Paris XII (France), Universita Ca’Foscari (Italy).


January–November 2008


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Department of English

Junior researcher

Project: Interpretation Strategies for personal pronouns in Romanian: a linguistic and computational approach” - studying anaphora – the relation between a pronoun and its nominal antecedent; research framework: DRT, financed CNCSIS, IDEI UB no. 14,  director prof. dr. Alexandra Cornilescu


Visiting appointments


2012, 2013






May 2011





 May 2008






The European Institute of Romania, Bucharest



The Adventist  Theological Institute, Bucharest

Assistant professor


Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Erasmus visiting scholar

5 hours of courses and seminars on the syntax and semantics of the direct object in Romance and Germanic languages addressed to PhD and MA students


Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Erasmus visiting scholar

5 hours of courses and seminars on the order of constituents in Romanian and the syntax and semantics of the direct object in Romance addressed to PhD and MA students


FIDES Language Center, Bucharest

Teacher of English and French


 Academic Education


Oct. 2005 –Nov. 2010


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Department of English

PhD in Philology, conferral date 24 Nov. 2010

Dissertation advisor: Alexandra Cornilescu

Dissertation title: Syntax and Interpretation of the Direct Object in Romance and Germanic Languages with an Emphasis on Romanian, German, Dutch and English, published 2011


Oct. 2004 – June 2005


Faculty of Letters

MA in Theoretical Linguistics (mean 9,91/ 10.00)


Computational Linguistics, HPSG, 1st Order Logic, Predicate Logic, Lexical Semantics, Language Acqusition, Formal Languages, DRT 


Oct. 2000 – June 2004



Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

BA, English (major)– French (minor)(final mean 9,75/ 10.00)


English linguistics, literature and language proficiency French linguistics, literature and language proficiency German  language proficiency


Oct. 2003 – March 2004


Erasmus student

11 course in linguistics and language proficiency (English, French, Italian and German) (66 ECTS, final mean:  29,73/ 30.00, three marks of ‘30 e lode’)


Sept. 1996 – June 2000


Baccalaureate diploma (final mean 9.69/ 10.00)

Specialization: Mathematics –Physics, English bilingual 


Language proficiency


Romanian (native)

English (Proficiency level, C2[1])

French (Advanced, C1)

German (Upper intermediary, B1-2)

Italian (Upper intermediary, B1-2)


Zertifikat Deutsch, level B1, 2005 (256,50/300)

Certified translator, English and French, Ministry of Justice, Romania, 2005


 Teaching Experience

University of Bucharest

Courses in English Linguistics:

 The Syntax of Root Clauses (2nd year BA, English Minor)

English Phonetics and Phonology (1st year BA, English Minor)

Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory (3rd year BA, English)

English Pragmatics (3rd year BA, English)


Seminars in English Linguistics

 English Phonetics and Phonology (1st year, English Major & Minor)

Morphology (1st year, English Major & Minor)

Syntax I and II (2nd year, English Major & Minor)

Lexical Semantics (3rd year English Major)

Pragmatics (3rd   year, English Major Translators section, English Minor, Philology)

Old English (2nd year, English Major)

Middle English (2nd year, English Major)


Courses in English proficiency

 English Proficiency (MA level, C1-2)

English Proficiency (BA level, English Major, B2 – C2)

Terminological Studies and specialized translations

(MA in Specialized Translations and Terminological Studies)


Ca’Foscari University





The European   Institute of Romania


The syntax and semantics of the direct object in Romance

and Germanic languages (5 hours, PhD and MA level)

Word order in Romanian Sentences and the Syntax of the Subject

(5 hours, PhD and MA level)


The Translation process (specialized translations)

Introduction to Trados (with Gigi Mihăiță)


TheTheological Adventist Institute

The syntax of root clauses

Phonetics and Phonology

English Proficiency


FIDES Language Center 

English Proficiency (A1 – C2)

Business English (A1-B2)

Preparation for CAE, TOEFL, IELTS Tests


 Honors and Fellowships


March 2014– Feb. 2015


11th November 2011

Sciex CH-NMS, Post-doctoral Fellowship, University of Geneva


“Irina Izverna - Tarabac”  Award for young outstanding linguists, granted by the Cultural Association “Irina Izverna –Tarabac și Irina Mavrodin[2]


Oct. 2003 – March 2004

Erasmus grant, Ca’Foscari University, Venice, Italy



Research Organization  & Administrative Activities


March 2011 - present

UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST, Faculty of Philosophy

Coordinator of the OPEN MIND – MA program in Cognitive Sciences

- administrative support for home and visiting professors, and students

- organizing  2 conferences (Theory of Mind and the Social Design of Mind, 14-15 June 2013; New Directions in Cognitive Sciences, 20-21 June 2011)

- accreditation


2009 – February 2014


Faculty of Foreign Languages

Erasmus Coordinator

- support for Erasmus students at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures


2005 - 2013


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Department of English

Member of the organizing board of the Annual International Conference of the English Department; Reviewer of abstracts submitted for the Annual Conference of the English Department, University of Bucharest


2009 - 2011


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Head of the Admissions Commission of the Faculty, 14 MA programs


Jan. – Nov. 2008


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Project management of research project Interpretation Strategies for personal pronouns in Romanian: a linguistic and computational approach-studying anaphora – the relation between a pronoun and its nominal antecedent; research framework: DRT.  CNCSIS[4] - IDEI UB no. 14, director prof. dr. Alexandra Cornilescu


Conference organisation


11-13 November 2014

conference organizer of Romanian Fest: Workshop on Language Structure and Meaning. The view from Romanian, Faculty of Letters, University of Geneva, Switzerland

14-15 June 2013

conference organiser of Theory of Mind and the Social Design of Mind within the MA program to whose coordinator I am, Open Mind – MA program in Cognitive Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest

June  2005-2013

organiser of the Annual International Conference of the English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest

12-13 December 2012

organiser of Workshop on Specificity, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest

20 – 21 June 2011

organiser of the Conference New Directions in Cognitive Sciences, University of Bucharest, which also included a special ceremony  in which professor Daniel Dennett (Tufts University) received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Rector of the University of Bucharest


Editorial Activity



Assistant editor: Special number of Revue Roumaine de Linguistique Syntax and Semantics of Specificity, 2013 LVIII no. 4, proceedings Workshop on Specificity, December 2012, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest.




1. Books


Syntax and Interpretation of the Direct Object in Romance and Germanic Languages with an Emphasis on Romanian, German, Dutch and English. Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii Bucureşti.


2. Research Papers



The Two-Object Construction in Romanian and German. In Ruxandra Cosma, Stefan Engelberg et al. (eds) Komplexe Argumentstrukturen. Kontrastive Untersuchungen zum Deutschen, Rumänischen und Englischen. (Konvergenz und Divergenz)Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.



(to apear)

Towards an analysis of Clitic Doubling in Romanian. In Anna Bondaruk and Anna Prażmowska (eds.) Within language. Beyond theories. Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, vol. 1, chapter 10. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing



On the Inner Aspect of Predicates with Differentially Object Marked Internal Arguments. The case of Romanian. Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2013. Olomouc Modern Language Series, vol 3. Olomouc: Palacký University Press, p. 115-127



On Scrambling and Differential Object Marking in German and Romanian – with a focus on indefinite direct objects. Embracing Multitudes of Meaning. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on British and American Studies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing



The two-object construction with the two objects in the Accusative. Limba română: variație sincronică, variație diacronică. București: Editura Universității din București, p. 1-91



The Accusative morpheme –(y)I in Turkish and DOM in Romanian. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, vol XIV, no. 2. p. 57- 76



Building and exploiting Romanian corpora for the study of  Differential Object Marking. Proceedings of  Exploitation of multilingual resources and tools for Central and (South) Eastern European Languages ( (co-authored with Anca Dinu)



Towards an Account of Differential Object  Marking in Romanian. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics 12 (1). p. 137- 158



The Order of Constituents within the Romanian Sentence with a focus on the movement of the direct object in the VOS order. In Rodica Zafiu (ed.), Grammaticalization andPragmaticalization in Romanian. Bucureşti: EUB



Sentence – level pronominal subjects in Romanian. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics 11 (1): 225-232. (co-authored with Florina Pagurschi)



Towards an Account of Romanian Pronominal Clitics. An Overview of Clitic Doubling. Analele Universităţii Bucureşti, Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 41-58.



Unifying Focus. Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret X(10): 83-93.



The Alternation Null-Overt in the Interpretation of  Pronouns in Discourse. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics 10 (1): 121-135. (co-authored with Florina Pagurschi)



Sintaxa obiectului direct în română cu accent asupra ordinii cuvintelor în propoziție. O analiză a fenomenului de (short) scrambling ca deplasare a obiectului la stânga. Concepts trans- et interculturels Concepte trans- si interculturale Lingvistica, Bucureşti: Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 145-164



On the Nature of Romanian Pronominal Clitics. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics. 9 (1). p. 109-123



Towards an Account of Romanian Pronominal Clitics. In Y. Catelly, S. Mazilu, F. Popa and D. Stoica (eds.), Limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie la începutul  mileniului al treilea, Bucureşti: Politehnica Press, 751-759.



Towards a Unifying Account of Focus. In G. Alboiu, A.Avram, L. Avram and D. Isac (eds.), Pitar Moş: A Building with a view Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii Bucureşti.


3. Reviews



Luis López Indefinite Objects. Scrambling, Choice Functions and Differential Marking. In Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, vol XV no. 1


4. Varia: online papers, studies, reports, translations



Lovaas, O.I. Instruirea persoanelor cu întârzieri de dezvoltare. Tehnici de Intervenție de bază (Teaching Individuals with Developmental Delays. Basic Intervention Techniques), (București: Frontiera Publishing House, translation from English into Romanian)



Matyszak, P. Fiii lui Caesar (The Sons of Caesar), (București: All Publishing House, translation from English into Romanian)



Greer, J.M.    Enciclopedia societăților secrete și a istoriei ascunse (The Element  Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Hidden Hystory), (București: All Publishing House, translation from English into Romanian)



Report Project Q1 (Collaborative Project FP7 – SME222291), University of Antwerpen, Belgium                                        ,%20 Minutes,/ (joint report capturing the partial results in  the FP7-SME-2007-1 project 222291 DUAL PRO (Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008-2010): Dual electric acoustic speech processor with linguistic assessment tools for deaf individuals with residual low frequency hearing (Paricipants – Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgia  in collaboration with University of Bucharest (Romania), Otoconsult (Belgia), Neurelec (France), Del Bo Tecnologia per L’Ascolto (Italy), Leiden University (the Netherlands), CNRS-LPP (France), Paris XII (France), Universita Ca’Foscari (Italy))


Conferences and Workshops


14-18th July 2014

The 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; joint presentation ‘Salience before frequency in the early acquisition of German, English, Italian, and Romanian’ (together with Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Monika Boniecki (University of Vienna), Noemi di Pasquale (University of Palerno), Sabrina Noccetti (University of Pisa), Anastasia Dressler (Medical University of Vienna), Larisa Avram (University of Bucharest))


27-28th June 2014

The RED 2014 Workshop on Indefinites in Discourse, University of Köln, Germany; presentation ‘Differentially Object Marked and Clitic Doubled Indefinite Direct Objects in Discourse. The case of Romanian.’


5-8th June 2014

The international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, ACED 16, University of Buchares, Romania; presentation ‘Argument licensing and Differential Object Marking’


24-27th March 2014

The CUSO Doctoral School Workshop, Ovronnaz, Switzerland; presentation (poster) ‘A DRT Analysis of Clitic Doubled and Pe marked DPs in Romanian’


25-26th Nov. 2013

The Workshop on Balkan Romance Contacts, Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy; presentation ‘Some Conditions on Differential Object Marking in Romanian’


14-16th Nov. 2013

Linguistics Beyond and Within – International Linguistics Conference in Lublin 2013, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland; presentation ‘Towards an analysis of Clitic Doubling in Romanian’


24-25 October 2013

Constructions of Identity VII Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; ‘At the syntax-semantics interface’


25-26th Sept. 2013

Integrare, Identitate, A Philippide Institute of Romanian Philology, Iași, Romania; presentation ‘Asupra marcării diferențiate a obiectelor directe nedefinite’


7-11th Sept. 2013

Language, Individual and Society, Burgas, Bulgaria; presentation ‘The two-object Construction in Romanian’


6-8th June 2013

Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc, The Czech Republic; presentation (poster) ‘On Scrambling and DOM in Romanian and German’ (presented on the 6th of June)


6-8th June 2013

The international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, ACED 15, University of Buchares, Romania; presentation ‘Points of Similarity between DOM in Romanian and Scrambling in German’ (presented on the 8th of June)


19-20th April 2013

Embracing Multitudes of Meaning of the Faculty of Letters, Transilvania University, Brașov, Romania; presentation ‘On Scrambling and Differential Object Marking with a focus on German and Romanian’


14-15th Dec. 2012

The 12th International Colloquium of the Linguistics Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Romania; presentation ‘The Two-object construction with the  two objects in the Accusative’


12-13th Dec. 2012

Workshop on Specificity, University of Bucharest, Romania; presentation ‘Specific Indefinites in Romance and Germanic languages: configurational languages vs. non-configurational languages’


7-8th Dec. 2012

The Annual Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, Romania; presentation ‘Two varieties of two-object   constructionsin Romanian’


31 May– 2  June 2012


The international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, ACED 14, University of Bucharest, Romania; presentation “Towards an Analysis of Romanian Indefinites”


9-10th  Dec. 2011

The international conference organized by the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Romania; presentation: “On the Interpretation of Differentially Marked vs. Unmarked Direct Objects in Romanian  - with an Emphasis on Romance and Germanic Languages”.


5-6th  Nov. 2011    

The annual conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, Romania, presentation: “The Double Object Construction in German and English”


2-4th  June 2011

The international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, Romania; presentation: “The Accusative morpheme ‘(-y)i’ in Turkish & the Differential  Object Marking in Romanian – a meeting point”


11-15th  May  2011

The workshop unfolding within the research project Institutspartnerschaft Institut für Deutsche Sprache – Universität Bukarest, Sibiu, Romania;  presentation “Further Observations on the Double Object     Construction in Romanian, German andEnglish”


3-5th  June 2010

The international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, ACED 13 University of Bucharest, Romania; presentation: ‘When Internal Properties of DPs Override Sentence Structure’


23rd May 2010

 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Valletta, Malta; joint presentation with Anca Dinu (University of Bucharest): ‘Building and Exploiting Romanian Corpora for the Study of Differential Object Marking’


23-24th  April 2010

The annual conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania; presentation ‘Differential Object Marking in Romanian. A DRT Approach.’


30th  October 2009

The annual conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, Romania ‘Syntax and Interpretation of the Direct Object in Romanian


4-6th  June 2009

The international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, ACED 12, University of Bucharest, Romania presentation ‘Towards an Account of Differential Object Marking in Romanian’


30th  Nov. 2008

Interpretation Strategies for personal pronouns in Romanian: a linguistic and computational approach  within the research project IDEI UB no 14, with the paper ‘The Alternation null-overt in the interpretation of pronouns in intra-sentential sentences’


7-8th  Nov.  2008

The annual conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest with the paper: “The Interpretation of Null Subjects in Discourse”


3-4th  Oct. 2008

 Gramaticalization şi pragmaticalization in Romanian, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, with the paper: ‘The Order of Constituents within the Romanian Sentence - with a focus on the movement of the direct object within the VOS word order’


5-7th  June 2008

The international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, with the paper: ‘The Alternation Null-Overt in the Interpretation of Pronouns in  Discourse’


23rd February 2008

Doctoral School Conference “Languages and Cultural Identities”, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest with the  paper:  ‘The Direct Object in Focus’


26-27th  Oct. 2007

 The annual conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest with the paper: ‘Towards an Account of Romanian Pronominal Clitics. An Overview of Clitic Doubling’


7-8th  June 2007

The international conference of the Polytechnics University, Bucharest with the paper: ‘Accusative vs. Dative Clitics in Romanian’























[1] According to the European Passport of Language Proficiency

[2] Irina Mavrodin was a professor at the University of Bucharest, best known for the translation of Proust into Romanian

[3] The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

[4] National Council for Research in Higher Education

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