Séminaires, Conférences

Journée Georges de Rham


The Journée Georges de Rham was introduced in 1991 by the Troisième cycle Romand de mathématiques. Since then, it has been organized each year during the Spring semester by the mathematics departments of EPFL and of the University of Geneva. The organisers invite two internationally renowned speakers. The aim is to present current developments in mathematics, as well as stimulating interactions amongst researchers in mathematics and related fields.


Previous editions

2023 - Christopher Skinner (Princeton University) De Rham theory, L-values, and non-split extensions Allan Sly (Princeton University ) Transience for the interchange process in dimension 5

2020 - James Maynard (University of Oxford) Approximating reals numbers by fractions (Watch replay) Corinna Ulcigrai (UZH) Slow chaos: dynamics of parabolic systems

2019 - Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London) De Rham Cohomology to Massive Gravity Martin Hairer (Imperial College London) Taming Infinities

2018 - Francis Brown (University of Oxford) De Rham Integration Nigel Hitchin (University of Oxford) Integrable systems and algebraic geometry

2017 - Stéphane Mallat (École Normale Supérieure) Mathematical Mysteries of Deep Network Sergei Tabachnikov (PennState University) Flavors of bicycle mathematics

2016 - Gregory F. Lawler (Chicago) Self-avoiding motion Martin Zirnbauer (Cologne) Bott periodicity and the “Periodic Table” of topological insulators and superconductors

2015 - Wilfrid S. Kendall (Warwick) Buffon Needles, Google Maps, and Friends Robert J. Adler (Technion) Phase Transitions and Random Topology

2014 - Ilia Itenberg (Paris) Invariants in real enumerative geometry Alex Lubotzky (Jerusalem) High dimensional expanders and Ramanujan complexes

2013 - Etienne Ghys (ENS Lyon) William Thurston et les feuilletages Robert Meyerhoff (Boston College) Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds: Historical Development and Some Future Paths

2012 - Marta Sanz-Solé (Barcelone) Invariants in real enumerative geometry Yves Benoist (Paris XI, Orsay) Dynamical system on the torus

2011 - Mikhail Kapranov (Yale University) Formal loops and chiral differential operators Don Zagier (MPI Bonn & Collège de France) From mock theta functions to black holes

2010 - Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) Surface measures in Euclidean spaces, Carnot groups and Wiener space Alexander Bobenko (Technische Universität Berlin) Discrete Differential Geometry: Theory and Applications

2009 - Curtis McMullen (Harvard University) Billiards and moduli space Peter Sarnak (Princeton University) The affine linear sieve