External Speakers


Helder Maiato.Chromosome Instability & Dynamics

Graduated in Biochemistry and holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Porto. He was a visiting PhD student at the University of Edinburgh (UK) and a Post-doctoral Research Affiliate at the New York State Department of Health (USA). He authored nearly 80 scientific articles in highly prestigious journals, including Science, Cell and Nature Cell Biology and received many national and international awards. At present, Helder is a Principal Investigator at IBMC-i3S and Invited Auxiliary Professor at Faculty of Medicine at the University of Porto. His main research interest is the spatial control of cell division and coordinates a project from the European Research Council. Since 2012 he serves as National Counsellor for Science and Technology to the Portuguese Prime Minister. In 2015 he founded YScience, a company that employs PhDs to develop science education programs for young children.

From 2004, Helder collected several national and international awards for his contribution toscience, such as the “Jacinto Magalhães Award” in 2005 and the “Gulbenkian Prize for Research Support at the Frontiers of Life Sciences” in 2007, and more recently, the “FLAD Life Science” and the “Louis-Jeantet Young Investigator Career” awards, both in 2015.



Start-up and innovative project

Amélie Béduer.Volumina Medical

Amélie is physicist and engineer in material sciences, and holds a PhD in physics. Together with Thomas BRASCHLER, they developed the core technology of Volumina Medical in the Microsystems laboratory at EPFL. She has followed several courses in entrepreneurship and obtained the EPFL certificate of advanced studies in medtech management in 2017. She is passionate about transforming health innovations into viable products for the benefit of patients.

In recognition of her contributions to science and for her innovative ideas Amélie has been award with the “PhD Award for promising women in Science” in 2011, and the “PhD award” from the French society for Biology, and the “Innovation Award” both in 2013.



Public speaking and science communication

Massimo Caine.BiOutils and TheScienceBreaker

Massimo is a molecular biologist who works for BiOutils, an interface for science communication from the University of Geneva, which mission is to promote and support the teaching of modern experimental biology in schools. He is also the founder and director of the online platform for scientific research dissemination called TheScienceBreaker. Before starting his assignment as science communication officer, Massimo has been working as a researcher in different fields from molecular medicine (e.g. muscular atrophy onset, Alzheimer’s disease cytotoxicity) to plant physiology and molecular genetic (e.g. phototropism and seed germination molecular pathways in A. thaliana). Trained as a molecular biologist at the University of Padua, Italy, Massimo developed his master thesis project (M.Sc.) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. From there, he moved to Lausanne, Switzerland, where he worked for one year at the Centre for Integrative Genomics of the University of Lausanne.

15 Feb 2018
