
Two winners of the prize G. von Meissner

The Gertrude von Meissner Foundation Research Prize is awarded to scientific projects in the field of prevention and treatment of disabilities and diseases in children and adolescents.

This year, Dr. Thomas Laumonier from the laboratory of Prof. Didier Hannouche andDr. Alexandre Prola from the laboratory of Prof. Perrine Castets are among the five laureates for their project «Metabolic optimization of human muscle stem cells for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy ».

This research prize should allow them to bring essential insights on the mechanisms underlying the dysfunction of muscle stem cells in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a genetic disease affecting about 1 in 3,500 children, and they hope to open promising therapeutic avenues.


The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday November 24 2021 at 5 pm in the Fred Bamatter Auditorium of the HUG. A COVID certificate is required at the entrance.


19 Nov 2021
