
The PHYM Christmas Pijama Party a pillow-smashing success


This past Tues Dec 15th the PHYM celebrated its annual Christmas Party in their pijamas. The party, which was hosted by the Demaurex and Chanson groups, featured crepes, candies and games, including “guess that song” trivia and even a live-action pillow fight (which is more dangerous than it looks – just ask Prof Trajkovski!). The costumes were fantastic and ranged from leopard print or silk robes worn with hair curlers and eye masks, to fuzzy animal or cartoon onesies, to slinky nighties worn with mountain boots. For those of you who took pictures, don’t forget to upload them on the SHARE server!



For those who didn’t have enough of the cider and beer from the tap the night before, the following day the festivities continued with a “Vin Chaud” hot wine celebration, graciously prepared and hosted by the PHYM Secretariat.

A great big thanks to all who participated for a fun end of the year, and wishing PHYM members a wonderful holiday!



























Posted by: P. Nunes

21 Dec 2015
