
Three new PI at PHYM department

The department is proud to welcome as new PHYM groups leaders Dr. Anne-Claude Gavin, Dr. Miriam Stoeber and Dr. Perrine Castets. We are excited about the collaborative perspectives that their works open up.


Dr. Anne-Claude Gavin arrived in April 2019. Her research is focused on lipid metabolism and cellular membrane homeostasis. Her very recent work examines unexplored networks of lipid transfer proteins. Her group will grow up soon with the arrival of two PhD students and one postdoctoral researcher.

Dr. Anne-Claude Gavin completed her PhD in biology in 1992 at Geneva University. She then moved to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Germany where she became Director of the Molecular and Cell Biology division and investigated novel (bio)chemical methods to map cellular protein-lipid interaction networks.


 Dr. Miriam Stoeber arrived in July 2019. Her research is focused on subcellular control of receptor signaling. She studies the functioning of receptors often used as therapeutic targets for alleviating pain, the opioid receptors. Her group is composed of a postdoctoral researcher Dre. Lucie Oberhauser and will soon grow with the arrival of the two PhD students Zoe Valbret and Arthur Radoux.

Dr. Miriam Stoeber completed her PhD in Biological Sciences in 2012 at the ETH Zurich. She continued her career with two postdoctoral projects, on structures of plasma membrane domains at the University of Oxford and on opioid receptors at the University of California, San Francisco.


Dr. Perrine Castets arrived in September 2019. Her research work focuses on muscle and neuromuscular junctions. Her group studies the muscle / nerve interplays and the mechanisms threatening neuromuscular integrity in pathological conditions. Her group is composed of two PhD students Olivia Cattaneo and Denis Falcetta, and of a lab technician Hadrien Soldati.

Dr. Perrine Castets completed her PhD in Biological Sciences in 2009 at University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris. She then moved to the University of Basel to work on the regulation of autophagy in skeletal muscle. She afterwards obtained an Ambizione SNSF grant, which allowed her to develop her own group at the University of Basel and to work on the role of metabolic pathways on the maintenance of neuromuscular junctions.


Welcome to all three!



Posted by: Véronique Rosset

24 Sept 2019
