Research and Publications

Chair in Behavioural Philanthropy and Finance

The new chair is unique in Europe. It promotes research and teaching in an emerging discipline at the crossroad between behavioural finance, economics, psychology and neuroscience.

Created on the initiative and with the support of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations, the chair is unique in Europe. It promotes research and teaching in an emerging discipline at the crossroad between behavioural finance, economics, psychology and neuroscience. The Chair in Behavioural Philanthropy and Finance allows for new approaches in the field of philanthropy. It is imbedded in the strategy followed by the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations, both committed to promoting research and teaching in philanthropy, and is supported by the Centre for Philanthropy (GCP) at UNIGE.

Associate Professor Giuseppe Ugazio occupies the chair since 2019, he has been appointed for his skills as an interdisciplinary researcher and for his innovative methodology in behavioural science.


To learn more about the Behavioral Philanthropy Lab.