Vision and missions
The philanthropy sector is undergoing rapid change, becoming younger with increasingly diverse and new actors. Networking and skills provision are now taking their place alongside financial commitment.
In addition to the practices devised by family foundations, philanthropy is becoming an intrinsic tool for many companies, and is being incorporated into their development goals. Although rooted historically in the English-speaking world, philanthropy is now expanding fast — not only throughout Europe but also in emerging countries such as India, China and Brazil.
« Many challenges await the University of Geneva: it will have to navigate various transitions, including socio-environmental shifts and AI, rethink how we all live together, innovate and strive for excellence. Thanks to its multidisciplinary, inclusive approach, the GCP is a hub for innovation and an essential bridge between the academic worlds and practitioners – it is ideally placed to help take on these challenges.”
Prof. Audrey Leuba, Rector of the University of Geneva and president of the Strategic Committee of the GCP.
The Centre for Philanthropy has three missions:
I. To serve as an interface between practice and research.
II. To support the international development and influence of the philanthropy sector in and around Geneva through seminars and conferences.
III. To provide insight into the challenges of philanthropy through an interdisciplinary perspective.