Academic courses


Spring semester 2021

La philanthropie culturelle et le droit

Faculty of Law, Dr Anne Laure Bandle

Schedule and location : Wednesday, 4pm-6pm, roomM 1150 (Uni Mail)

Course integrated into the Master's programmes of the Faculty of Law and of the Faculty of Humanities.

Public audience: Due to the COVID-19 situation, the courses will be limited to students who are regularly registered at the University of Geneva. No registration will be possible this semester for the public audience. 

Plus d'informations>>

Autumn semester 2020

NEW - The many faces of Philanthropy

Faculty of GSEM, Prof. Giuseppe Ugazio (holder of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations Chair in behavioural Philanthropy)

Module A: Wednesdays, 10.15 am-12.00 pm, room MR170 (Uni Mail)

Detailled programme >>

Module B: Wednesdays, 2.15-4.00 pm, room U159 (Uni Dufour)

Detailed programme >>

From 14 Sept. au 18 Dec. 2020

Public audience: Due to the COVID-19 situation, the courses will be limited to students who are regularly registered at the University of Geneva. No registration will be possible this semester for the public audience. 

More info>>

La philanthropie et ses principaux enjeux juridiques

Faculty of law, Dr. Giulia Neri-Castracane

Schedule and location: Thursdays, 4.15 - 6.00 p.m., room MR 030 (Uni Mail) - From 14 Sept. to 18 Dec. 2020

Course integrated into the Master's programmes in Law and Wealth Management, HEC Lausanne.

2020 Detailed programme >>

Public audience: Due to the COVID-19 situation, the courses will be limited to students who are regularly registered at the University of Geneva. No registration will be possible this semester for the public audience.

More info>>

L'éthique de la philanthropie

Faculty of Humanities (department of philosophy), Dr. Emma Tieffenbach

Schedule and location: Mondays, 4.15 -5.45 pm, room B109 (Uni Bastions) - From 14 Sept. to 18 Dec. 2020

2020 Detailed programme >>

Public audience: Due to the COVID-19 situation, the courses will be limited to students who are regularly registered at the University of Geneva. No registration will be possible this semester for the public audience.

More info>>