Group members

Hui Shen


PhD student
Renewable Energy Systems group, University of Geneva

University of Geneva C605, Blvd. Carl Vogt 66
CH-1211 Geneva 4

Tel.: +41 (0) 22 379 09 10
Email: hui.shen(at)




Hui is a PhD student in the Renewable Energy Systems group at the University of Geneva as of April 2023. Her research focuses on developing and testing different electricity models using historical data in 31 European countries as part of the Swiss National Science Foundation's "Accuracy" project.

Before joining the group, Hui earned her MSc in Environmental Sciences from the University of Geneva. She has experience in assessing the accuracy of energy projections for China by Energy Information Administration and International Energy Agency, where she quantified the projection errors in major energy quantities and identified the main factors contributing to those errors.



Scientific articles