
(Google Scholar link)

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Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals (independent career)

69. “Structural Comparison of (Hyper)-Thermophilic Nitrogenase Reductases from Three Marine Methanococcales

Maslać, N., Cadoux, C., Bolte, P., Murken, F., Gu, W., Milton, R.D. and Wagner, T.* (2024).

The FEBS JournalAccepted.

 DOI: 10.1111/febs.17148


68. “Electron-Transferring Metalloenzymes and their Potential Biotechnological Applications”

Milton, R.D.* (2024).

CHIMIA78(1/2), 13 - 21

 DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2024.13


67. “Electrostatic [FeFe]-hydrogenase-carbon nitride assemblies for efficient solar hydrogen production”

Liu, Y., Pulignani, C., Webb, S., Cobb, S., Rodriguez Jimenez, S., Kim, D., Milton, R.D. and Reisner, E.* (2024).

Chemical Science, In Press

 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC00640B


66. “The Mononuclear Metal-Binding Site of Mo-nitrogenase Is Not Required for Activity”

Cadoux, C., Maslać, N., Di Luzio, L., Ratcliff, D., Gu, W., Wagner, T.* and Milton, R.D.* (2023).

JACS Au3(11), 2993 - 2999

 DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.3c00567


65. “Bioelectrocatalytic CO2 reduction by Mo-dependent formymethanofuran dehydrogenase”

Sahin, S., Lemaire, O.N., Belhamri, M., Kurth, J.M., Welte, C.U., Wagner, T.* and Milton, R.D.* (2023).

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62(45), e202311981

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.202311981


64. “Nitrogen fixation and hydrogen evolution by sterically encumbered Mo-nitrogenase”

Cadoux, C., Ratcliff, D., Maslać, N., Gu, W., Tsakoumagkos, I., Hoogendoorn, S., Wagner, T and Milton, R.D.* (2023).

JACS Au3(5), 1521 - 1533

 DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.3c00165


63. “Characterization of ferredoxins from the thermophilic, acetogenic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter kivui

Katsyv, A., Essig, M., Bedendi, G., Sahin, S., Milton, R.D. and Müller, V.* (2023).

The FEBS Journal290(16), 4107 - 4125

 DOI: 10.1111/febs.16801


62. “Facile functionalization of carbon electrodes for efficient electroenzymatic hydrogen production”

Liu, Y.*, Webb, S., Moreno-García, P., Kulkarni, A., Maroni, P., Broekmann, P. and Milton, R.D.* (2022).

JACS Au3(1), 124 - 130

 DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.2c00551


61. “Enzymatic and microbial electrochemistry: Approaches and Methods”

Bedendi, G., De Moura Torquato, L.D., Webb, S., Cadoux, C., Kulkarni, A., Sahin, S., Maroni, P., Milton, R.D.* and Grattieri, M.* (2022).

ACS Measurement Science Au2(6), 517 - 541

 DOI: 10.1021/acsmeasuresciau.2c00042


60. “Alternative electron donors for the nitrogenase-like dark operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (DPOR)”

Bedendi, G., Kulkarni, A., Maroni, P. and Milton, R.D.*  (2022).

ChemElectroChem9(21), Article: e202200774

 DOI: 10.1002/celc.202200774


59. “Peroxidase activity of myoglobin variants reconstituted with artificial cofactors”

Guo, C., Chadwick, R.J., Foulis, A., Bedendi, G., Lubskyy, A. Rodriguez K.J., Pellizzoni, M., Milton, R.D., Beveridge, R. and Bruns, N.*  (2022).

ChemBioChem, 23(18), article e202200197

 DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202200197


58. “Evolving enzymatic electrochemistry with rare or unnatural amino acids”

Sahin, S* and Milton, R.D.* (2022).

Current Opinion in Electrochemistry35, article 101102

 DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2022.101102


57. “Nitrogenase loosens its belt to fix dinitrogen”

Milton, R.D.* (2022).

Nature Catalysis5, 361-362.

 DOI: 10.1038/s41929-022-00795-2, Free to read here.


56. “Following Electroenzymatic Hydrogen Production by Rotating Ring Disk Electrochemistry and Mass Spectrometry”

Khushvakov, J., Nussbaum, R., Cadoux, C., Duan, J., Stripp, S.T. and Milton, R.D.* (2021).

Angewandte Chemie International Edition60(18), 10001-10006.

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.202100863


55. “Natural and Engineered Electron Transfer of Nitrogenase”

Gu, W. and Milton, R.D.* (2020).

Chemistry, 2(2), 322-346.

DOI: 10.3390/chemistry2020021

** Invited Contribution **


54. “Recent Enzymatic Electrochemistry for Reductive Reactions”

Cadoux, C. and Milton, R.D.* (2020).


DOI: 10.1002/celc.202000282

** Invited Contribution **


53. “Nitrogenase Bioelectrochemistry for Electrosynthesis Applications”

 Milton, R.D.* and Minteer, S.D.* (2019).

 Accounts of Chemical Research, 51(12):3351-3360

DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.9b00494

** Invited Contribution **




Peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals (during PostDoc/PhD studies)

52. Enhanced Electrosynthetic Hydrogen Evolution by Hydrogenases Embedded in a Redox-Active Hydrogel

Ruth, J.C., Milton, R.D., Gu, W. and Spormann, A.M.* (2020).

Chemistry - A European Journal, 26(32):7323-7329

DOI: 10.1002/chem.202000750


51. Pyrene-based Noncovalent Immobilization of Nitrogenase on Carbon Surfaces

 Patel, J., Cai, R., Milton, R.D., Chen, H. and Minteer, S.D.* (2019).

 ChemBioChem, 21(12):1729-1732

DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201900697


50. Microbial Battery Powered Enzymatic Electrosynthesis for Carbon Capture and Generation of Hydrogen and Formate from Dilute Organics

Dubrawski, K.L., Shao, X., Milton, R.D., Deutzmann, J.S., Spormann, A.M.* and Criddle, C.S.* (2019).

ACS Energy Letters, 4(12):2929-2936

DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.9b02203


49. “Efficient NADH Regeneration by a Redox Polymer-Immobilized Enzymatic System”

Yuan, M., Kummer, M., Milton, R.D., Quah, T. and Minteer, S.D.* (2019).

ACS Catalysis, 9(6):5486-5495


48. “Following Nature: Bioinspired Mediation Strategy for Gram-Positive Bacterial Cells”

Pankratova, G., Pankratov, D., Milton, R.D., Minteer, S.D. and Gorton, L.* (2019).

Advanced Energy Materials, 9(16):1900215


47. “Performance Comparison of Different Configurations of Glucose/O2 Microfluidic Biofuel CellStack”

Escalona-Villalpando, R.A., Hasan, K., Milton, R.D., Morena-Zuria, A., Arriaga, L.G., Minteer, S.D. and Ledesma-Garcia, J.* (2019).

Journal of Power Sources, 414:150-157


46. Methanococcus maripaludis Employs Three Functional Heterodisulfide Reductase Complexes forFlavin-Based Electron Bifurcation Using Hydrogen and Formate”

Milton, R.D., Ruth, J.C., Deutzmann, J.S. and Spormann, A.M.* (2018).

Biochemistry, 57(32):4848-4857


45. “Improved Performance of a Paper-Based Glucose Fuel Cell by Capillary Induced Flow”

Del Torno-de Roman, L., Navarro, M., Hughes, G., Esquivel, J.P., Milton, R.D., Minteer, S.D. and Sabate, N.* (2018).

Electrochimica Acta, 282:336-342


44. “Catalysts for Nitrogen Reduction to Ammonia”

Foster, S.L., Perez Bakovic, S.I., Duda, R., Maheshwari, S., Milton, R.D., Minteer, S.D.*, Janik, M.J.*, Renner, J.N.* and Greenlee, L.F.* (2018).

Nature Catalysis, 1:490-500


43. “Creating a Low-Potential Redox Polymer for Efficient Electroenzymatic CO2 Reduction”

Yuan, M., Sahin, S., Cai, R., Abdellaoui, S., Hickey, D.P., Minteer, S.D. and Milton, R.D.* (2018).

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(22):6582-6586


42. “Electroenzymatic C-C Bond Formation from CO2

Cai, R., Milton, R.D., Abdellaoui, S., Park, T., Patel, J., Alkotaini, B. and Minteer, S.D.* (2018).

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(15):5041-5044


41. “Molybdenum-Dependent Formate Dehydrogenase for Formate Bioelectrocatalysis in a Formate/O2Enzymatic Fuel Cell”

Sahin, S., Cai, R., Milton, R.D., Abdellaoui, S., Macazo, F.C. and Minteer, S.D.* (2018).

Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165(3):H109-H113


40. “Mediator-free enzymatic electrosynthesis of formate by the Methanococcus maripaludis heterodisulfide reductase supercomplex”

Lienemann, M., Deutzmann, J.S., Milton, R.D., Sahin, M. and Spormann, A.M.* (2018).

Bioresource Technology, 254:278-283


39. “Mechanism of nitrogenase H2 formation by metal-hydride protonation probed by mediatedelectrocatalysis and H/D isotope effects”

Khadka, N., Milton, R.D., Shaw, S., Lukoyanov, D., Dean, D., Minteer, S.D., Raugei, S., Hoffman, B.M.* and Seefeldt, L.C.* (2017).

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(38):13518-13524


38. “Hybrid bioelectrocatalytic reduction of oxygen at anthracene-modified multi-walled carbonnanotubes decorated with Ni90Pd10 nanoparticles”

Aquino Neto, S., Da Silva, R.G., Milton, R.D., Minteer, S.D.* and De Andrade, A.R.* (2017).

Electrochimica Acta, 251:195-202


37. “Enhanced bioelectrocatalysis of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 by a naphthoquinone redox polymer”

Hasan, K., Grattieri, M., Wang, T., Milton, R.D., and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

ACS Energy Letters, 1:1568-1572


36. “Investigating extracellular electron transfer of Rikenella microfusus: A recurring bacterium in mixed-species biofilms”

Grattieri, M., Hasan, K., Milton, R.D., Abdellaoui, S., Suvira, M., Alkotaini, B. and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 1:1568-1572


35. “Direct enzymatic bioelectrocatalysis: Differentiating between myth and reality”

Milton, R.D. and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

Journal of the Royal Society: Interface, 14(131):20170253

** Invited Contribution **


34. “Bioelectrocatalytic NAD+/NADH Inter-Conversion: Transformation of an Enzymatic Fuel Cell into an Enzymatic Redox Flow Battery”

Quah, T., Milton, R.D., Abdellaoui, S. and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

Chemical Communications, 53:8411-8414


33. “The In Vivo Potential-Regulated Protective Protein of Nitrogenase in Azotobacter vinelandii Supports Aerobic Bioelectrochemical Dinitrogen Reduction In Vitro”

Milton, R.D., Cai, R., Sahin, S., Abdellaoui, S., Alkotaini, B., Leech, D. and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(26):9044-9052


32. “Photobioelectrocatalysis of Intact Chloroplasts for Solar Energy Conversion”

Hasan, K., Milton, R.D., Grattieri, M., Wang, T., Stephanz, M. and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

ACS Catalysis, 7(4):2257-2265


31. “Substrate Channeling in an Artificial Metabolon: A Molecular Dynamics Blueprint for an Experimental Peptide Bridge”

Liu, Y., Hickey, D.P., Guo, J-Y., Earl, E., Abdellaoui, S., Milton, R.D., Sigman, M.S.,* Minteer, S.D.* and Calabrese-Barton, S.* (2017).

ACS Catalysis, 7(4):2486-2493


30. “Bioelectrochemical Haber-Bosch process: An Ammonia-Producing H2/N2 Fuel Cell”

Milton, R.D., Cai, R., Abdellaoui, S., Leech, D., De Lacey, A.L., Pita, M. and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56(10):2680-2683

** Deemed “Very Important Paper” by reviewers **

** Press release **


29. “Rechargeable Membraneless Glucose Biobattery: Towards Solid-State Cathodes for Implantable Enzymatic Devices”

Ahmadian-Yazdi, A., Preite, R., Milton, R.D., Hickey, D.P., Minteer, S.D. and Xu, J.* (2017).

Journal of Power Sources, 343:103-108


28. “Improving the Performance of Lactate/Oxygen Biofuel Cells Using a Microfluidic Design”

Escalona-Villalpando, R.A., Reid, R.C., Milton, R.D., Arriaga, L.G., Minteer, S.D. and Ledesma-Garcia, J.* (2017).

Journal of Power Sources, 342:546-552


27. “Rational Combination of Promiscuous Enzymes Yields a Versatile Enzymatic Fuel Cell with Improved Coulombic Efficiency”

Holade, Y., Yuan, M., Milton, R.D., Hickey, D.P., Sugawara, A., Peterbauer, C.K., Haltrich, D. and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164(3):H3073-H3082


26. “Cholesterol as a Promising Alternative Energy Source: Bioelectrocatalytic Oxidation Using NAD-Dependent Cholesterol Dehydrogenase in Human Serum”

Quah, T., Abdellaoui, S., Milton, R.D., Hickey, D.P. and Minteer, S.D.* (2017).

Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164(3):H3024-H3029


25. “Enzymatic Bioelectrosynthetic Ammonia Production: Recent Electrochemistry of Nitrogenase, Nitrate Reductase, and Nitrite Reductase”

Milton, R.D.* and Minteer, S.D. (2016).

ChemPlusChem, 82(4):513-521


24. “Improving O2 reduction at an enzymatic biocathode: mimicking the lungs”

Hickey, D.P., Knoche, K.L., Albertson, K., Castro, C., Milton, R.D. and Minteer, S.D.* (2016).

Chemical Communications, 52:13299-13302


23. “Wiring of Photosystem I and Hydrogenase on an Electrode for Photoelectrochemical H2 Production by using Redox Polymers for Relatively Positive Onset Potential”

Tapia, C.,* Milton, R.D., Pankratova, G., Minteer, S.D., Åkerlund, H.E., Leech, D., De Lacey, A.L., Pita, M.* and Gorton, L. (2016).

ChemElectroChem, (4)1:90-95


22. “Hybrid Glucose/O2 Biobattery and Supercapacitor Utilizing a Pseudocapacitive Dimethylferrocene Redox Polymer at the Bioanode”

Knoche, K.L., Hickey, D.P., Milton, R.D., Curchoe, C.L. and Minteer, S.D.* (2016).

ACS Energy Letters, 1(2):380-385.

** Featured in Chemical & Engineering News **


21. “Nitrogenase bioelectrocatalysis: heterogeneous ammonia and hydrogen production by MoFe protein”

Milton, R.D., Abdellaoui, S., Khadka, N., Dean, D.R., Leech, D., Seefeldt, L. and Minteer, S.D.* (2016).

Energy & Environmental Science, 9:2550-2554.


20. “Membraneless enzymatic ethanol/O2 fuel cell: Transitioning from an air-breathing Pt-based cathode to a bilirubin oxidase-based biocathode”

Aquino Neto, S., Milton, R.D., Hickey, D.P., De Andrade, A.R. and Minteer, S.D.* (2016).

Journal of Power Sources, 324:208-214.


19. “Laccase Inhibition by Arsenite/Arsenate: Determination of Inhibition Mechanism and Preliminary Application to a Self-Powered Biosensor”

Wang, T., Milton, R.D., Abdellaoui, S., Hickey, D.P. and Minteer, S.D.* (2016).

Analytical Chemistry, 88(6):3243-3248.


18. “Tailoring Biointerfaces for Electrocatalysis”

Milton, R.D., Wang, T., Knoche, K.L. and Minteer, S.D.* (2016).

Langmuir, 32(10):2291-2301.

** Invited Feature Article (Front Cover) **


17. “NAD-dependent dehydrogenase bioelectrocatalysis: the ability of a naphthoquinone redox polymer to regenerate NAD”

Abdellaoui, S., Milton, R.D., Quah, T. and Minteer, S.D.* (2016).

Chemical Communications, 52:1147-1150.


16. “A self-powered amperometric lactate biosensor based on lactate oxidase immobilized in dimethylferrocene-modified LPEI”

Hickey, D.P., Reid, R.C., Milton, R.D. and Minteer, S.D.* (2016).

Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 77:26-31.


15. “Bioelectrochemical Study of Thermostable Pycnoporus sanguineus CS43 Laccase Bioelectrodes Based on Pyrolytic Carbon Nanofibers for Bioelectrocatalytic O2 Reduction”

Holmberg, S., Rodriguez-Delgado, M., Milton, R.D., Ornelas-Soto, N., Minteer, S.D., Parra, R. and Madou, M.J.* (2015).

ACS Catalysis, 5:7507-7518.


14. “Promiscuous Glucose Oxidase: Electrical Energy Conversion of Multiple Polysaccharides Spanning Starch and Dairy Milk”

Milton, R.D., Wu, F., Lim, K., Abdellaoui, S., Hickey, D.P. and Minteer, S.D.* (2015).

ACS Catalysis, 5:7218-7225.


13. “TEMPO-Modified Linear Poly(ethylenimine) for Immobilization-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Alcohols”

Hickey, D.P., Milton, R.D., Chen, D., Sigman, M.S. and Minteer, S.D.* (2015).

ACS Catalysis, 5:5519-5524.


12. “Rational design of quinones for high power density biofuel cells”

Milton, R.D., Hickey, D.P., Abdellaoui, S., Lim, K., Wu, F., Tan, B. and Minteer S.D.* (2015).

Chemical Science, 6:4867-4875.


11. “High current density PQQ-dependent alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase bioanodes”

Aquino Neto, S., Hickey, D.P., Milton, R.D., De Andrade, A.R. and Minteer, S.D.* (2015).

Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 72:247-254.


10. “Employing FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase within a glucose/oxygen enzymatic fuel cell operating in human serum”

Milton, R.D., Lim, K, Hickey, D.P. and Minteer, S.D.* (2015).

Bioelectrochemistry, 106 Part A:56-63.


9. “Co-immobilization of gold nanoparticles with glucose oxidase to improve bioelectrocatalytic glucose oxidation

Aquino Neto, S., Milton, R.D., Crepaldi, L.B., Hickey, D.P., De Andrade, A.R. and Minteer, S.D.* (2015).

Journal of Power Sources, 285:493-498.


8. “Regeneration of the NADH Cofactor by a Rhodium Complex Immobilized on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”

Tan, B., Hickey, D.P., Milton, R.D., Giroud, F. and Minteer, S.D.* (2015).

Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 162(3):H102-107.


7. “Simplifying Enzymatic Biofuel Cells: Immobilized Naphthoquinone as a Biocathodic Orientational Moiety and Bioanodic Electron Mediator”

Giroud, F., Milton, R.D., Tan, B. and Minteer, S.D.* (2015).

ACS Catalysis, 5:1240-1244.


6. “Investigating the Reversible Inhibition Model of Laccase by Hydrogen Peroxide for Bioelectrocatalytic Applications”

Milton, R.D. and Minteer, S.D.* (2014).

Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161:H3011-3014.


5. “From PEM Fuel Cell Design to Biological Fuel Cells: The Status of Systems Development for Biological Fuel Cells

Rasmussen, M. Milton, R.D., Hickey, D.P., Reid, R.C. and Minteer, S.D.* (2014).

Electrochemical Society (ECS) Transactions, 64(3):881-895.

** Invited Review Article **


4. “Glucose oxidase progressively lowers bilirubin oxidase bioelectrocatalytic cathode performance in single-compartment glucose/oxygen biological fuel cells”

Milton, R.D., Giroud, F., Thumser, A.E., Minteer, S.D. and Slade, R.C.T.* (2014).

Electrochimica Acta, 140:59-64.


3. “Bilirubin oxidase bioelectrocatalytic cathodes: the impact of hydrogen peroxide”

Milton, R.D., Giroud, F., Thumser, A.E., Minteer, S.D. and Slade, R.C.T.* (2014).

Chemical Communications, 50 (1):94-96.


2. “Hydrogen peroxide produced by glucose oxidase affects the performance of laccase cathodes in glucose/oxygen fuel cells: FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase as a replacement”

Milton, R.D., Giroud, F., Thumser, A.E., Minteer, S.D. and Slade, R.C.T.* (2013).

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (44):19371-19379.


1. “An optimised glucose oxidase bioelectrode exhibiting high performance direct electron transfer”

Milton, R.D., Baur, J., Varcoe, J.R., Thumser, A.E. and Slade, R.C.T.* (2012).

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14 (27):9582-9585.