

A fire or any other undesirable event can endanger the lives of people present in a building. That is why workplaces, rooms and buildings must always be able to be evacuated quickly and safely. The responsibility to evacuate lies with a member of management, a person in charge of the STEPS department or their delegates. An evacuation can be suggested to one of these persons by the Official Emergency Warden or by the police.


Behavior in case of evacuation


Don't wait for D-Day to find out!

It is important to be aware of the nearest exits and building emergency evacuations routes prior to an event. It is essential to know the safety instructions, present in each building, to be equipped to act fast and ensure your safety. Locate, consult and comply with these instructions BEFORE an emergency occurs.

Evacuation ALARM:

  1. Follow the instructions given

  2. Offer help to others if necessary

  3. Close doors and windows

  4. Exit the premises through the nearest exit or emergency exit

  5. Keep away from the building and join the assembly point

emergency exits

How to use emergency exits with push buttons

After opening hours (after 8 pm or on weekends) emergency exits may be locked.

During evacuation drills we encourage occupants to use the emergency exits and to operate the push buttons when needed.


assembly points

On the instructions displayed in the hallways you will find the location of the assembly point for the building.

The assemply point is usually indicated by a green sign showing the following pictogram:

Where is the assembly point for :

Faculty of Sciences (ARVE)

Faculty of Medicine (CMU and CUMD)

Uni Dufour

Uni Bastions

Uni Mail

Uni Pignon

Pavillon Mail (IUFE)

28 Pont-d'Arve

CV1 and CV2

Landolt and Mirabeau

Battelle and Pinchat

Evacuation team members are recognizable by wearing a yellow vest. Their responsibility is to ensure the evacuation of the public, students and staff in case of a disaster or any other event.

Their action continues outdoors by directing the occupants far enough from the building to avoid exposure to potential shattered glass splatters and any interfering with the official emergency services.

The person in charge of evacuation, or the delegate, informs the official emergency services as soon as they arrive of the state of evacuation.

Once the evacuation has been completed, access to the building is strictly forbidden to the public; the safety team enforce this requirement through increased door surveillance. Reintegration into the premises can only take place on the orders of the person in charge, in agreement with the head of the official rescue relief.

keep escape routes clear

In case of danger, all workstations, premises, buildings and their enclosures, must be evacuated quickly and safely at all times. Stairways, corridors, exits and traffic routes which are also used as escape routes and marked as such, must be kept clear and not used for other purposes.

Exhibitions and events held in the premises of the university buildings are the sole responsibility of the organizers. The members of the organization undertake to strictly comply with the standards contained in the ad hoc directive and to respect the limits of the surfaces indicated on the plans. For more information and practical advice, contact the health and safety specialist at your site.

Two-wheeler parking

Any vehicle parking in front of building accesses or emergency exits seriously compromises the safety of the occupants as they obstruct access for the emergency vehicles and exits in the event of an evacuation.

For this reason, for example in front of Uni Mail, in the areas marked in yellow "Parking prohibited", vehicle parking, including two-wheelers is not tolerated.

Thank you for helping us maintain the safety of all users.

Evacuation drills

Evacuation drills shall be conducted periodically, at least once a year. These drills are generally carried out with the participation of the intervention team.

In any case, civil security is informed of these drills before long of the date and may attend them.

In order to assess the effectiveness of the system, it is important that all the occupants of the evacuated building participate and comply with the instructions.