General Assembly

In accordance with the statute of the association (art. 8):

1 The General assembly is the supreme body of the association. It is chaired by a member of the committee.

2 It shall meet in ordinary session at least once every academic year.

3 It can be convened in extraordinary session at the request of either:

a. Of the committee.

b. Of a fith of the individual members.

c. Of a fith of the collective members.

4 The notice of meeting and the agenda of ordinary sessions shall be communicated to the members at least two weeks in advance. All members can ask that a point be added to the agenda, on the condition that it is sent to the committee at least fifteen days in advance and that the committee informs the members at the earliest opportunity.

5 The notice of extraordinary session and the agenda shall be sent to members at least fifteen days in advance. Any member may request that an item be added to the agenda, on the condition that it is sent to the committee at least seven days in advance and that the committee informs the members at the earliest opportunity.

6 The General Assembly is validly constituted when the two following conditions are simultaneously met:

a. At least ten individual members are present.

b. At least half of the collective members are present.

7 Decisions of the General assembly shall be taken by a double majority of present individual members and present collective members, except where otherwise provided for in this Statute. They shall relate exclusively to the items on the agenda approved at the beginning of the meeting.

8 Only individual members shall have the right to stand for election.

9 Its tasks and powers shall include all those not expressly assigned to another body, in particular:

a. To define the means to be used to achieve the purpose defined in article 2.

b. To elect and revoke the committee.

c. To elect the auditors.

d. To approve the management report and the accounts presented by the Committee and to grant discharge to the committee.

e. To approve the report of the auditors and give them discharge.

f. To fix the amount of any membership fees.

g. To decide on the exclusion of a member (art. 6).

h. To modify the statute.

i. To adopt, on the proposal of the committee or one member, the public position statements of the association.

j. To decide on the dissolution of the association.