
The Doc.Mobility grants from the University of Geneva and IHEID are open to all doctoral students who wish to develop a scientific research project in a research institution abroad. These grants offer the opportunity to establish a scientific network, deepen one's knowledge and enhance one's doctoral experience.

  • Conditions of eligibility

All doctoral students who have been registered at the University of Geneva for at least two semesters and who are not funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) are eligible to apply. Doctoral students working on an SNSF project are invited to contact their grant officer regarding mobility.

  • Duration of the grant: in principle 6 months
  • Information session : Tuesday 13th February 2024 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, Dufour room U159
  • Application opening date: Monday 1st April 2024
  • Deadline for applications: Monday 17th June 2024
  • Start of Doc-Mobility stay: From February 2025
  • Application documents: see "Submission" box, opposite
  • Decisions, after assessing the applications : From November 2024

The Research Commission (COREC) of the University of Geneva is responsible for evaluating applications and making decisions.


Research Commission (COREC)

COREC is an independent research commission of the University of Geneva. It is responsible for advising the Rectorate on the quality and scientific relevance of the allocation of research-related funds, mainly in relation to young researchers. In particular, COREC is involved in awarding mobility grants for doctoral students as part of Doc.Mobility. It exercises the powers assigned to it in complete independence, taking into account the principles of the Charte d’éthique et de déontologie des Hautes Ecoles universitaires et spécialisées de Genève, as well as other principles and rules applicable to the management of research funds, scientific integrity and research ethics. Its operation is set out in the regulations provided below.


List of COREC members

