FASER: CERN approves new experiment to look for long-lived, exotic particles
The experiment, which will complement existing searches for dark matter at the LHC, will be operational in 2021
The DPNC welcomes the FASER experiment, which will complement the searches for new phenomena that the large LHC experiments pursue. It will look at the products of the collisions at the hearth of the ATLAS detector, where the DPNC already has major involvement. Our researchers, together with about thirty collaborators, will try to shed light where the ATLAS experiment can't, having the potential to make a revolutionary discovery.
The experiment will have strong contributions from the DPNC in the area of the mechanics and readout of the charged-particles silicon tracker, as well as the trigger and data acquisition system. It will be installed during 2020 in a secondary LHC tunnel, 500 meters downstream from ATLAS to start taking data in 2021.
6 March 2019
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