Archiving and preservation of research data
The Research Data Repository for Geneva's Higher Education Institutions
The Yareta data repository is certified by Core Trust Seal since March 2024 as a trustworthy repository.
why use yareta ?
Provides visibility to your research through data sharing and citation
Meets the SNF and H2020 Data Repository requirements through its compliance with the FAIR principles (Findable - Accessible - Interoperable - Reusable)
Complies with the DataCite Metadata Schema for resources identification
Assigns a DOI (Digital Object Identifier, ISO 26324) and Creative Common licences
Built on the OAIS Reference Model for digital preservation (Open Archival Information System, ISO 14721)
Allows you to set an access level to your research data: public, restricted, or closed access
Makes your work easier through automation and an intuitive user interface
Accepts all data formats while providing you with recommendations for long-term preservation
Stores two copies in different data centers located in the canton of Geneva
Developed as part of the swissuniversities DLCM project
More about development in progress > Le projet Yareta (in French)