

Archiving and preservation of research data

The Research Data Repository for Geneva's Higher Education Institutions

The Yareta data repository is certified by Core Trust Seal since March 2024 as a trustworthy repository.


why use yareta ?

  • Provides visibility to your research through data sharing and citation

  • Meets the SNF and H2020 Data Repository requirements through its compliance with the FAIR principles (Findable - Accessible - Interoperable - Reusable)

  • Allows you to set an access level to your research data: public, restricted, or closed access

  • Makes your work easier through automation and an intuitive user interface

  • Accepts all data formats while providing you with recommendations for long-term preservation

  • Stores two copies in different data centers located in the canton of Geneva

  • Developed as part of the swissuniversities DLCM project


More about development in progress > Le projet Yareta (in French)