June 25-26, Emotions, Stress and Aging, an International Conference
This conference draws together a panel of international experts on emotion and emotion regulation in later life. The two-day event will revolve around presentations of an international panel of experts on emotion and aging, whose contributions will provide a forum of discussion of forefront theory and data on the aging of emotions.
A particular goal of the conference consist in spanning the wide and conflicting contributions on positive adaptations on one hand, and adaptive failures on the other. The conference aims at fostering and deepening exploration and search for important general mechanisms and processes that are involved in age-related changes in emotion regulation.
A panel of eleven experts from different disciplines (psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience, sociology) will address issues of the basic functioning of emotions in later life, their relation to the aging of the cognitive system, their neuranatomical and neurohormonal aspects including mechanisms of stress, as well as the contributions of the social system.
Rather than propagating a single view of aging and emotion, the plenary sessions aim at fostering a lively dialogue about the dynamic range of diverse and often contradictory conclusions and outcomes in the area of emotions and aging.
Participants will be encouraged to present and discuss their own work during the poster session.
14 avril 20092009