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Conférence - Divergent strategies for managing uncertainty in finance: How work practices create developmental trajectories for investment bankers?

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Divergent strategies for managing uncertainty in finance: How work practices create developmental trajectories for investment bankers?

Stanton Wortham et Alexandra Michel
University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education

Mardi 14 mai 2013 - 17h30 - Uni Dufour - salle U259


This presentation describes how two successful Wall Street investment banks managed the uncertainty of their high-velocity environments through different work practices. One bank chose the familiar route of decreasing bankers’ uncertainty. The other bank used the novel and effective practice of increasing bankers’ uncertainty to make them more alert to new situations and more likely to draw on the bank’s entire range of resources. Through vivid accounts of newcomers during their first two years, the presentation traces how the two banks’ initially similar participants were transformed into fundamentally different kinds of persons by the different kinds of work practices they participated in. The analysis shows how competing accounts of individual development — for example, cognitive and sociocultural theories — can both be true, depending on institutional contexts and work practices.

Inscriptions en ligne

8 avril 2013