
Seminars (September 2018 - June 2019)

If the topic interests you, you are cordially invited.

Lac Baïkal
Lac Baïkal photo: J.-L. Loizeau

Monday October 22nd 2018,
11:00, Room 001, Section des Sciences de la Terre et de l'environnement,
Rue des Maraîchers 13

Mme Evanthia Mantzouki, Département F.-A. Forel
des sciences de l’environnement et de l’eau, UNIGE

"Continental Scale Cyanobacterial Dynamics under Global Warming and Eutrophication"

Avis de soutenance de thèse de Mme Evanthia Mantzouki.pdf

Monday 19th November 2018
18h00, UNI Carl Vogt, Base floor, room CV002


Semaine mondiale pour un bon usage des antibiotiques 2018

Thème: "Dissémination des bactéries et gènes de résistances aux antibiotiques
en milieux aquatiques et cliniques: Source, Identification, Risque et Prévention."


  • 18h00 : Présentation Mme Amandine Laffite, Doctorante Université de Genève, Département F.-A. Forel des sciences de l’environnement et de l’eau
  • 18h20: Présentation Prof. Stéphan Harbarth. HUG, Service de Prévention et Contrôle de l'Infection
  • 18h55: Présentation Dr John Poté & M. Dhafer Mohammed Al Salah suivie d'un apéro.

Résumé présentation bon usage des antobiotiques 2018.pdf

Monday, June 3td 2019,
14:15, Auditoire 1S081, Sciences III, 30 Quai Ernest Ansermet

Mme Amandine LAFFITE, Department F.-A. Forel for environmental and aquatic sciences UNIGE

"Occurrence and Dissemination of Micropollutants and Antibiotic Resistance in Aquatic Environment:A Prevalence Study across Geographical Location and Different Systems of Wastewater Management"

Avis de soutenance de thèse de Mme Amandine LAFFITE.pdf

Thursday June 6td 2019,
14:30, Uni Carl Vogt, Room B2 annexe a, 2nd floor.

Prof. Crispin Mulaji, University of Kinshasa

" Evaluation of environmental impacts in water ecosystems guided sustainable water resource management in developing countries; Case of sub-Saharan Africa. State of collaboration between University of Geneva-University of Kinshasa (Congo DR)"

Collaboration UNIGE-Université de Kinshasa_EN.pdf


Thursday August 15th 2019,
11:15, Uni Carl Vogt, Base floor, room CV002.

Prof. Helong Jiang, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

"Occurrence and prevention of anoxia and black water disaster in eutrophic lakes"

You can consult the archives of conferences and seminars of the Department F.-A. Forel for environmental and aquatic sciences Institute by clicking on the link below (since February 2009):