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Upcoming book presentation: Re-Thinking the Relationship between International Trade and Environmental Law

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Next week, on Wednesday May 17, our colleague, Elena Cima, will be presenting her book 'From Exception to Promotion: Re-Thinking the Relationship between International Trade and Environmental Law' in the context of the Max Planck Law Initiative 'Law, Climate Change, and the Environment'.

The book tells a new, unconventional story of the nexus between international trade and environmental law—a story in which the keyword is synergy rather than conflict, and where the trade regime was always meant for something greater than simply trade liberalization. This ‘something greater’ was peace in the first half of the twentieth century, and today is sustainable development, environmental protection, and social inclusion. Environmental protection is here presented neither as antithetical to the overarching purpose of the trading system nor simply as a ‘non-trade’ issue to be accommodated within the hard-driving logic of trade, but rather as part of the very nature and purpose of the trade regime.


For more information and to register:


11 mai 2023
  Actualités 2023