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Upcoming presentation on local water conservation in the Ecuadorian highlands


The Research Hub for Environmental Governance and Territorial Development and the Geneva Water Hub have the pleasure to host Cecilia Puertas and Juan Andrés Guadamud, two Ecuadorian researchers from the Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE), Quito, collaborators of the collaborative project "Global ecosystem services and local water conservation knowledge battlefields in the Ecuadorian highlands" (H2O Ecuador) coordinated by Prof. Emilie Dupuits, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Christian Bréthaut, and Jörg Balsiger.

Cecila and Juan Andres will give a presentation of the project and its results on:

Monday, 17 October, at 12:15 in room UCV 002 at Boulevard Carl-Vogt 66

Cecilia Puertas is a biologist specialised in tropical ecology and natural resources management, graduated from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. Since 2011, she is a professor in the Environmental Management and Marine Biology Schools at the Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE). She holds a wide scientific and applied experience in aquatic biology and ecology in Ecuador, in the coast, the amazon and the mountain region of Imbabura. She has been involved in various research projects funded by the national government, international cooperation organisations and universities. She is also a specialist in environmental impact assessments (EIA) in the hydroelectric and water conservation sectors, through being in charge of over thirty EIA in Ecuador. Juan Andres Guadamud is a water management professional and Master's student at UIDE's School of Environmental Management.

10 octobre 2022
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