Anciens collaborateurs

Elena Gascon Diez

Dr Elena Gascon Diez

Ancienne Post-doctorante en biogéochimie du mercure dans les sédiments et particules en suspension lacustres. Responsable de laboratoire mercure. Auparavant doctorante et collaboratrice scientifique en géologie environnemental et limnologie - sédimentologie, métaux trace, biogéochimie du mercure, particules en suspension, matière organique et biologie moléculaire. Actuellement :

Site Web

Ancienne collaboratrice du Département F.-A. Forel des sciences de l’environnement et de l’eau


June 2009
University of Geneva, F.-A. Forel Institute,
Environmental Geochemistry
PhD student
July 2008 -
July 2009
Associate Chemical analyst ROLEX S.A. Laboratories, Geneva, Switzerland.
Analysis of heavy metals.
April 2008
Field mission to Decazeville, France, as part of a European Union project to monitor water pollution levels.
July 2006
Field mission to the North Atlantic on the oceanographic boat “Cornide de Saavedra”, belonging to the Spanish Oceanographic Institute, as part of a study on climatic variability in ocean waters.


ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECT IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT University of Geneva. Subject: Analysis of chemical pollutants (heavy metals) in freshwater.
BACHELOR + MASTER IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, University of Alcala de Henares, Madrid.


  • ICP-EOS « Perkin Elmer Optima 4300DV
  • Voltamety : Macro et Micro Electrodes
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
  • Potentiometric tritator « Mettler DL77 titrator»
  • UV-Vis « Spectro Flex 6600 »
  • Total Organic Carbon Analyzer « TOC-5000A »
  • Mineralization « Multiwave Anton Paar (Perkin Elmer) »
  • Distillation


  • SPANISH : Mother tongue
  • FRENCH : fluent
  • ENGLISH : fluent


  • Informatique: ArcGIS ; STATGRAPHICS ; SPSS ; EXCEL ; WORD
  • Course " Water and Environmental Sanitation Project in Emergency and Development Cooperation " University of Alcalá de Hernares, Madrid.
  • Conferences of Rural Development, Faculty of Environmental Sciences of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid.


  • Open Water SSI (Scuba Schools International) Diver Certification
  • Driving license: B, A, A1
  • Driving license boats coastline and lakes

Anciens collaborateurs