
Conférence de Peter Kornicki : "Languages and Scripts in Conflict: Language Choice and the Path to Vernacularization

Dans le cadre des 9es journées de la relève en études asiatiques et orientales, le Département d'études est-asiatiques a le plaisir de vous annoncer la conférence suivante :

Peter KORNICKI (Université de Cambridge)

"Languages and Scripts in Conflict: Language Choice and the Path to Vernacularization"

le lundi 31 mai, de 9h30 à 10h30 (via Zoom)

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.


This lecture deals with some of the problems that the encounter with the Chinese script produced in various parts of East Asia and gives a glimpse of the process of vernacularization at work. This project started out with an examination of Japanese methods of reading ancient Chinese texts and an exploration of Japanese methods for producing a vernacular reading of texts written in literary Chinese. Later I realised that this was a phenomenon that was common throughout East Asia wherever people encountered Chinese texts and endeavoured to understand them by way of their vernaculars. This was necessary because very few individuals in East Asia were bilingual - very few were able to speak any form of spoken Chinese so they were forced to resort to the vernacular in one way or another. Vernacularization in East Asia has been a long process and in this lecture I will give a few glimpses of this process.