Evénements terminés

2019: Histories of the Red Cross Movement since 1919

Call for papers general announcement

13/14 June 2019
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,
17 chemin des Crêts, 1209 Geneva, Switzerland


 The years following the end of the Great War witnessed one of the great historical conjunctures in the history of the Red Cross movement: a moment atwhich the Red Cross’ institutional and normative structures, its technical capacities and ambitions were transformed in ways that would profoundly affect its activities and outlook over the next hundred years. This 2-dayconference brings together historians and practitioners working on the Red Cross Movement to debate the legacy,events, andideas flowing from1919 and to engage withcontemporary issues and concerns of the broader Red Cross Movement. The conference will be addressed by two leading scholars of humanitarianism:

•Andrew Thompson, Director of the Centre for Global & Imperial History (University ofExeter), Chief Executive of the UK Arts andHumanities Research Council.
•Eleanor Davey, Lecturer in History of Humanitarianism at the University of Manchester’s Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute.

The organising committee particularly welcome papers on the following themes: the tension of professionalism over voluntarism; the proliferation of humanitarian activities and associated technologies; rethinking IHL and the legal regime; issues of gender, the role of media and the shift from war to peace/disaster management. Abstracts (300 words) and a brief biography to DavideRodognodavide.rodogno(at)graduateinstitute.chor Neville Wylie neville.wylie(at)nottingham.ac.ukby 16 July 2018.

Organising committee:
James Crossland(LJMU), Irene Herrmann (Geneva), Branden Little (Weber), Grant Mitchell (IFRCRCS) Melanie Oppenheimer (Flinders), DavideRodogno(Graduate Institute, Geneva) Rosemary Wall (Hull), Neville Wylie (Nottingham)

9 avr. 2018

Histoire suisse