[1010] Clinical research in inflammatory rheumatism

The group works essentially on two research axis, 1/ pharmaco-epidemiological research on large observational databases, 2/ etiopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

1.  Pharmacoepidemiological research

The members of the group have developed numerous international collaborations around the collaborative analysis of RA registries. Several pharmaco-epidemiological analyses combining data from different RA registries are in progress, totalling more than 25,000 patients, followed longitudinally.

These analyses made it possible, among other things, to identify subgroups that respond better to certain antirheumatic biotherapies, to determine the impact of lifestyle factors on the effectiveness of these therapies and to verify the good tolerance of these therapies in large cohorts of "real life" patients.

2. Research on the etiopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis

The second area of research is the study of risk factors for developing RA. We were able to demonstrate the role of female hormonal factors, particularly the sudden drop in estrogen levels around perimenopause.

We are also studying the role of the digestive and dental microbiota on the risk of developing pre-clinical stages of RA. We have been able to show that the presence of certain bacterial populations in the intestinal microbiota may be associated with a higher risk of developing RA.

The ultimate objective of these investigations will be to adequately identify people at very high risk of developing RA and eventually offer them limited preventive interventions.

Publications of the group