Serge Vulliémoz

Emeline Mullier

Dr Emeline Mullier


Site Web


I am an electrical engineer and in 2020 I finished my Ph.D. in neurosciences in CHUV on MRI brain network analyses of patients with psychosis. I kept developing my MRI expertise with a postdoc in Campus Biotech in Geneva with a cohort of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. I also gained expertise in entrepreneurship, marketing and NIRS/EEG working 2 years in Seenel Imaging (

Current project

I am currently working on the structural connectomes of patients with temporal epilepsy and on the generation of a consensus template connectome in the context of the SINERGIA project: precision brain mapping of electrical brain networks dynamics with application to epilepsy. In parallel, I work on the data management part and the maintenance of the Connectomemapper3 software with Pr Hagmann in CHUV. 

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