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Par année (1994 à 2009)

Les articles en ligne tirés des compte-rendus de "Advances in Medical Education" sont publiés avec l'aimable autoristaion de Kluver Academic Publishers. Toute reproduction de ces articles à des fins commerciales ou d'enseignement est interdite.



  • Junod Perron N, Sommer J, Hudelson P, Demaurex F, Luthy C, Nendaz M, Louis-Simonet M, de Grave W, Dolmans D, Van der Vleuten C. Clinical supervisors’ perceived needs for teaching communication skills in clinical practice. Med Teach. 2009;31:e316-22. (IF 2007 1.229)
  • Saxer Till, Duperrex Olivier, Vermeulen Bernard, Vu Nu Viet.
    Emergency medicine training: A prospective, comparative study of an undergraduate clinical clerkship and an army programme
    Emergency medicine training: A prospective, comparative study of an undergraduate clinical clerkship and an army programme. Swiss medical weekly; Aug 2009; 139(29-30); pp 423-29;
  • Gerbase MW, Germond M, Nendaz MR, Vu NV. When the evaluated becomes evaluator: What can we learn from students' experiences during clerkships? Academic Medicine; Jul 2009; 84(7); pp 877-85
  • Junod Perron N, Sommer J, Hudelson P, Demaurex F, Luthy C, Louis-Simonet M, Nendaz M, De Grave W, Dolmans D, Van der Vleuten C. Residents’ Perceived Needs in Communication Skills Training across In- and Outpatient Clinical Settings. Education for Health, May 2009, 280
  • Savoldelli GL, Waeber JL, Abegg C, Baeriswyl C, Clergue C, Schiffer E. Learning curves for the Glidescope®, the McGrath® and the Airtraq® laryngoscopes in normal airways: a manikin study.  Eur J Anaesthesiol; Jul 2009; 26(7); pp 554-8
  • Welke, TM, LeBlanc VR, Savoldelli GL, Joo HS, Chandra DB, Crabtree NA, Naik VN. Personalized oral debriefing versus standardized multimedia instruction after patient crisis simulation.  Anesth Analg; Jul.2009; 109(1); pp 183-9
  • Rothenbühler I, Leanza Y, Wamba A, Layat C, Changkakoti N. Le chercheur-formateur : passage de frontières et co-construction de savoirs. Perregaux, Leanza et Dasen (Eds.); Recherche et savoirs d'expérience: une interculturalité nécessaire?; DeBoeck; Bruxelles; BE (à paraître)
  • Michel JP, Huber P. Primary health care professionals in geriatrics: Educational approaches for physicians. WHO experts meetings Health and Ageing Program; (sous presse)
  • Merglen A, Agoritsas T, Nendaz MR. A student-initiated, undergraduate, peer teaching skills programme ; Medical Education, Oct 2008.
  • Michel JP, Huber P, Cruz-Jentoft AJ. Europe-wide survey of teaching in geriatric medicine; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.; Aug 2008; 56(8); pp 1536-42.
  • Chandra DB, Savoldelli GL, Joo HS, Weiss ID, Naik VN. Fiberoptic Oral Intubation: The effect of Model Fidelity on Training for Transfer to Patient Care. Anesthesiology; 2008; 109; pp1007–13.
  • Savoldelli GL, Waeber JL, Abegg C, Baeriswyl C, Clergue C, Schiffer E. Evaluation of the Glidescope®, the McGrath® and the Airtraq® laryngoscopes in simulated difficult airways: a randomized controlled comparison. Anaesthesia; Dec 2008; 63(12); pp 1358-64

Baroffio A, Nendaz M, Perrier A, Vu N.
Tutor Training, Evaluation Criteria and Teaching Environment Influence Students' Ratings of Tutor Feedback in Problem-Based Learning;
Advances in Health Sciences Education; Springer Netherlands; Nov 2007; 12(4); pp 427-39

  • Layat C, Baroffio A, Demaurex F, Huber Ph, Vu NV. Guide d'utilisation du Programme des Patients Standardisés.Université de Genève; Faculté de Médecine; May 2005
  • Huber Ph, Baroffio A, Chamot E, Herrmann F, Nendaz MR, Vu NV. Effects of item and rater characteristics on checklist recording: what should we look for? Medical Education; Aug 2005; 39(8); pp 852-858
  • Wohlwend A, Andrey G, Scherly D, Meda P. The Virtual Microscope: a powerful tool for learning and teaching. Swiss Medical Informatics; 2005; 56; pp 2-4
  • Nendaz MR, Gut AM, Perrier A, Louis-Simonet M, Reuille O, Junod AF, Vu NV.   Common strategies in clinical data collection displayed by experienced clinician-teachers in Internal medicine.  Medical Teacher, 2005; 27(5): 415-421
  • Nendaz MR, Charlin B, LeBlanc V, Bordage G.  Le raisonnement clinique: données issues de la recherche et implications pour l’enseignement. Ped Med 2005; 6; pp 235-54
  • Savoldelli GL, Naik VN, Hamstra SJ, Morgan PJ. Barriers to use of simulation-based education .  Can J Anaesth.; Nov 2005; 52(9); pp 944-50
  • Yee B, Naik VN, Joo HS, Savoldelli GL, Chung DY, Houston PL, Karatzoglou BJ, Hamstra SJ. Nontechnical Skills in Anesthesia Crisis Management with Repeated Exposure to Simulation Based Education.  Anesthesiology; Aug 2005; 103(2); pp 241-248
  • Savoldelli GL, Naik VN, Hamstra SJ, Morgan PJ. Barriers to Use of Simulation-Based Education..  Can J Anaesth; Nov 2005; 52(9); pp 944-50
  • Papart JP, Chastonay P.  Le raisonnement scientifique appliqué au domaine de la santé.  Réalités Sociales; Lausanne; 2002; pp 1-127
  • Nendaz MR, Bordage G. Promoting diagnostic problem representation. Med Educ; 2002;36(8);pp.760-6
  • Elstein AS, Schwartz A, Nendaz M.   Medical decision making.   Norman G, Van der Vleuten C, Dolmans D (eds.) International Handbook of Medical Education; Kluwer; Boston; 2002
  • Nendaz MR, Perrier A, Simonet ML, Huber P, Junod A, Vu NV. Appraisal of clinical competence during clerkships: how knowledgeable in curriculum and assessment development should a physician-examiner be? Acad. Med.; 2001; 76 (10 Suppl): pp 99-101
  • Kayser B, Farah P, Ghorra R, Vu NV. International computer-based collaborative problem-based learning in medicine over the internet; European Perspectives on Computer-Supported Learning, eds: Dillenbourg P, Eurelings A, Hakkarainin K; Maastricht, McLuhan, ISBN 90-5681-097-9; 2001; pp 662-663
  • Chastonay P. Former les professionnels de santé publique en continue. FMM (Eds); Formation en santé publique: une perspective internationale; Actes des XIIe Entretiens Jacques Cartier; Lyon; FR; 2000; pp 49-52
  • Kayser B, Scherly D, Vassalli JD, Vu NV.
    Gradual integration of information and communication technology in a medical curriculum may create a technology divide between "have and have-nots" 
    Proceedings of the Slice of Life Conference; 2000
  • Scherly D, Roux L, Dillenbourg P. Evaluation of hypertext in an activity learning environment.  Journal of Computer Assisted Learning; 2000; 16; pp 125-136
  • Nendaz MR, Raetzo MA, Junod AF, Vu NV Use of different case formats in teaching diagnostic skills: clinical vignettes or chief complaints ? Adv. Health Sciences Education; 2000; 5; pp 3-10
  • Huber P. Integration of Geriatrics in a new Problem-Based Undergraduate Curriculum at the Medical School of Geneva. Michel and Hof (Eds.); Management of Aging: The University of Geneva Experience; Basel; CH; Karger S AG Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology; 1999; 30; pp 217-223
  • Chastonay P, Papart JP, Laporte JD, Praplan G, Brenner E, Walker F, Rougemont A, Guilbert JJ. Use of concept mapping to define learning objectives in a master of public health Program. Teaching and Learning in medicine; 1999; 11(1); pp 21-25
  • Girardin E, Hofer M, Campanile N, Ludwig A, Vu NV. Une nouvelle manière d'enseigner la Pédiatrie. Médecine et Hygiène; 1999; 2243; pp 348-357
  • Chastonay P, Praplan G, Praplan G, Papart JP, Walker F, Rougemont A, Guilbert JJ. Arbre des actions et des concepts: un outil permettant de définir le contenu de formation en santé publique. Meducs; 1999; 11; pp 4-10
  • Chastonay P, Toscani L, Rougemont A. Problèmes prioritaires de santé dans quatre cantons suisses romands: bases pour l’élaboration d’un programme de formation en santé publique. Meducs; 1999; 11(2); pp 13-18
  • Chastonay P, Brenner E, Laporte JD, Papart JP, Rougemont A, Guilbert JJ. Enquête d’opinion auprès des professionnels de santé concernant la pertinence, l’efficacité et l’évaluation de leur formation. Meducs; 1999; 11(2); pp 5-12
  • Chastonay P. Gli studenti si gettano in Acqua :l’Immersione in Communità. Medic metodologia e didattica clinica; 1999; 7; p 93
  • Chastonay, P. Former à la compétence. Meducs; 1999; 11(3/4); pp 29-30
  • Chastonay P, Papart JP, Rougemont A. La santé en Europe: formation et recherche. Actes Sud; 1999; pp 1-90
  • Williams RG, McLaughlin M, Eulenber B, Hurm M, Nendaz MR. The patient findings questionnaire: one solution to an important standardized patient examination problem. Academic Medicine; 1999; 74; pp 1118-24
  • Nendaz MR, Tekian A. Assessment in problem-based learning curricula: an analysis based on a literature review.  Teaching and Learning in Medicine; 1999; 11(4); pp 232-243
  • Baroffio A, Kayser B, Vermeulen B, Jacquet J, Vu NV.  Tutor Skills Improvement: Effects of Workshops or Experience? Academic Medicine; 1999; 74; pp S75-S77
  • Huber P, Gold G, Michel JP. Innovation in an Undergraduate Geriatrics Teaching Program. Academic Medicine; May 1998; 73; pp 579-580
  • Chastonay P. Formation des futurs médecins. Quelques pistes de réflexion. Bulletin des médecins suisses; 1998; 79; pp 1-3
  • Chastonay P. Cadre pour l'évaluation d'une formation en santé publique. Education permanente; 1998
  • Fasel J, Gailloud P, Vu NV. A Core Anatomy Program for Undergraduate Medical Curriculum. Academic Medicine; 1998; 73(5); pp 585-586
  • Huber P, Gold G, Michel JP. Curriculum Reform: an Opportunigy for Innovation in an Undergraduate Geriatrics Teaching Program. Academic Medicine; May 1998; 73(5); pp 579-80
  • Vu NV, Van der Vleuten C, and Lacombe G.  Medical Students' Learning Processes: A Comparative and Longitudinal Study. Academic Medicine; 1998; 73; pp 25-S27
  • Nendaz MR, Ponte B, Gut AM, Perrier A, Louis-Simonet M, Junod AF, Vu NV.   Live or computerized simulation of clinical encounters: Do clinicians work up patient cases differently? Medical informatics and the Internet in Medicine, Mar 2006, 31(1), 1-8
  • Nendaz MR, Raetzo MA, Junod AF, Vu NV.  Use of Different Case Formats in Teaching Diagnostic Skills : Open-ended Inquiry versus Case-vignette Formats.  Proceedings of the Eighth International Ottawa Conference on Medical Education and Assessment; Evolving Assessment: Protecting the Human Dimension; Philadelphia; PA; Jul 1998
  • Nendaz MR, Junod A, Vu NV, Bordage G. Eliciting and Displaying Diagnostic Reasoning During Educational Rounds in Internal Medicine: Who learns from Whom? Academic Medicine; 1998; 73; pp S54-56
  • DesMarchais JE, Black R, Vu NV. L’Evaluation des Apprentissages des Etudiants. DesMarchais and Collaborators (Eds.) Apprendre à Devenir Médecin: Bilan d’un Changement Pédagogique Centré sur l’Etudiant; Université de Sherbrooke; QC; CA; 1996; pp 151-184
  • DesMarchais JE, Vu NV. Developing and Evaluating the Student Assessment System in the Preclinical Problem-based Curriculum at Sherbrooke. Academic Medicine; 1996; 71(3); 274-283
  • Colliver JA, Markwell SJ, Travis TA, Schrage JL, Vu NV. Sequential Testing with a Standardized Patient Examination: a ROC Analysis of the Effects of Case Total Correlations and Difficulty Levels of Screening test cases. Proceedings of the Sixth Ottawa Conference on Medical Education; University of Toronto Bookstore; Customs Publishing; 1995; pp 170-173
  • MacRae HM, Vu NV, Graham B, Word-Sims M, Colliver JA, Robbs R. Comparing Checklists and Databases to Physicians’ Ratings as Measures of Students' History and Physical Examination Skills. Academic Medicine; 1995; 70 (4); pp 313-317
  • Colliver JA, Marcy ML, Vu NV, Steward DE, Robbs RS. The Effects of Using Multiple Standardized patients to Rate Interpersonal and Communication Skills. Teaching and Learning in Medicine; 1994; 6(1); pp 45-48
  • Vu NV, Henkle J, Colliver JA. Consistency of Pass - Fail Decisions made with Clinical Clerkship Ratings and Standardized Patients Exam Score. Academic Medicine; 1994; 69; pp S40-S42
  • Vu NV, Barnhart A, Colliver JA, Henkle JQ, Hodgson K, Marcy ML, Schrage JP, Travis TA. Further Evidence of Construct Validity of Standardized Patient-Based Performance Examinations. Teaching and Learning in Medicine; 1994; 6(4); pp 255-259
  • Vu NV, Barrows HS. Use of Standardized Patients in Clinical Performance Assessments: Recent Developments and Measurement Findings. (Received the 1994 Oustanding Research Publication Award from the American Educational Research Association - Division I). Educational Researcher; Mac 1994; 23(3); pp 23-30
  • DesMarchais JE, Dumais JP, Vu NV. An Attempt at Measuring Student Ability to Analyze Problems in the Sherbrooke Problem-Based Curriculum: a Preliminary Study. Bouhuijs, Schmidt, Van Beckel (Eds.); Problem-Based Learning as an Educational Strategy; Network Publicatrions; Maastricht; NL; 1994