Geneva Chemistry and Biochemistry Days 2024

Welcome at the Geneva Chemistry & Biochemistry Days 2024!

The Section de chimie et biochimie, University of Geneva, has the pleasure to welcome you at its Geneva Chemistry & Biochemistry Days

The vocation of the event is to give our students who are close to finishing their PhD studies the opportunity to present their research as attractive speed talks to an audience from academia and industry, and the steering committee is glad to welcome you in this context.

Our BSc and MSc students are welcome to smell the very flavour of the research held in our School and abroad, and to learn a bit more about how to present punchy results to a scientific audience.

We expect that the event will catalyse fruitful face-to-face discussions between young and advanced researchers and give our students an opportunity to get ready for their professional career yet offering our guests an overview of the quality of the fundamental research performed in our School.

Looking forward to welcoming you in person at this event, we hope that you will enjoy the lectures and interactions!

Prof. Nicolas Winssinger 
Président de la Section de chimie et biochimie

Prof. Eric Bakker
Vice-président de la Section de chimie et biochimie



Choose a session to obtain the detailed program and abstracts: 




Guests: all participants

Starting at 17:30

Place : Hall Science III