Students' association
The AEP brings together all physics students at the University of Geneva, mainly at Bachelor and Master levels. Its aim is to encourage exchanges and mutual help between physics students, but also to provide support in case of problems with courses, exams or university administrative procedures.
In order to do this, the EPA has set up weekly rehearsals for its members, where second and third year students volunteer to help the first years with their series of exercises. The EPA has developed a mentoring system for first years and also runs a study room for physics students and Whatsapp groups for each year for the rapid dissemination of information.
The AEP maintains excellent relations with the Physics Section and its professors, thus facilitating exchanges or better mediation in case of conflict.
Finally, the ASP works closely with the Association des Etudiants en Sciences (AESc) which is in charge of student life on the entire science campus and, over time, has developed good relations with the student associations of all the sections of the Faculty of Science.
The APE is also a very rich community life outside the classroom! In short, the association exists because, although studying physics can be tiring, life around the studies does not have to be!