
CAS Children's Rights


  • To acquire specialised knowledge in children’s rights in their theoretical as well as in their practical dimensions through an international and an interdisciplinary approach to the study of children’s rights
  • To understand and critically discuss the role of international instruments on children’s rights in the implementation and monitoring of children’s rights, with a particular focus on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • To develop the ability to contribute to the resolution of child rights related issues and problems
  • To exercise tools to effectively use human rights standards and mechanisms at the international and national levels


Professionals who work with children’s rights issues : lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, judges, law enforcement officers, social workers, teachers, government officials, staff from governmental and non governmental organisations, academics and journalists.  


2 week-long residential modules to be chosen among the following modules : Children’s Rights and International Law – Child Labour and Education – Children in Contact with the Law – Children’s Rights in the Context of Health and in relation to Migration – Individual training programme/CCR thematic paper