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"Geoforum" : a new article about Sustainable Development Goals

SDGs2.jpgThe universalist ambition of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets as a global plan of action for people, planet, prosperity and peacebuilding deserves analytical scrutiny from multiple angles.

While the SDGs are largely heralded as a paradigm shift compared to their predecessor Millennial Development Goals (MDGs), a new article argues that four fundamental dynamics undermine or severely hamper SDGs as a game changer to address the deep-running sustainability challenges facing the planet.

The title of the article is "Sanctioning Disciplined Grabs (SDGs) : From SDGs as Green Anti-Politics Machine to Radical Alternatives ?" The article, co-authored by Peter Larsen, has been published on Geoforum.

You can read it online.

18 mars 2022
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