Current Specific Research Projects
A multidisciplinary investigation of affectivism
A multidisciplinary investigation of affectivism
In a recent consensus paper (Dukes et al., 2021), we asked whether we are in the era of affectivism. This pre-conference will feature some of the co-authors, leading scholars in the affective sciences, who will explain in more depth how research in emotion and other affective processes has shaped, continues to shape, and might go on to shape research in their discipline.
We defined affectivism as “the approach in which inclusion of affective processes in [models of behaviour, mind, and brain], not only explains affective phenomena but, critically, further enhances the power to explain cognition and behaviour” (p. 816). While this might indeed be true of the affective sciences in general, how affectivism is implemented in each discipline clearly varies considerably. Indeed, it is highly likely that the beginnings of affectivism are multifaceted: it would be plainly wrong to argue that one discipline is entirely responsible for spearheading the burgeoning interest in the affective processes across all disciplines. However, it is possible to imagine an increasingly interdisciplinary future for the affective sciences: where we are headed may be more shared than how we got here.
This pre-conference will include talks by researchers from seven different disciplines (anthropology, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, and sociology). Each speaker will describe the rise of affectivism in their discipline before discussing where they think their field is headed. There will also be an interdisciplinary roundtable where themes concerning affectivism and the affective sciences more generally will be discussed, including, questions concerning the role of interdisciplinarity, and whether it really is possible to say we are now in the era of affectivism. Another important part of the day will be dedicated to giving opportunities for early career researchers to share how their research challenges received ideas about the limits and scope of research in the affective sciences.
Paper to read in advance:
Dukes, D.*, Abrams, K., Adolphs, R., Ahmed, M. E., Beatty, A., Berridge, K. C., Broomhall, S., Brosch, T., Campos, J. J., Clay, Z., Clément, F., Cunningham, W. A., Damasio, A., Damasio, H., D’ Arms, J., Davidson, J. W., de Gelder, B., Deonna, J., de Sousa, R., Ekman, P., Ellsworth, P. C., Fehr, E., Fischer, A., Foolen, A., Frevert, U., Grandjean, D., Gratch, J., Keltner, D., Knutson, B., Konstan, D., Kret, M. E., LeDoux, J. E., Lerner, J.S., Levenson, R. W., Loewenstein, G., Manstead, A. S. R., Maroney, T. A., Moors, A., Niedenthal, P., Parkinson, B., Pavlidis, I., Pelachaud, C., Pollak, S. D., Pourtois, G., Roettger-Roessler, B., Russell, J. A., Sauter, D., Scarantino, A., Scherer, K. R., Stearns, P., Stets, J. E., Tappolet, C., Teroni, F., Tsai, J., Turner, J., Van Reekum, C., Vuilleumier, P., Wharton, T., & Sander, D.* (2021). The rise of affectivism, Nature Human Behaviour.