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On professional learning & responsibility in digital futures of coded practice

par la Prof. Tara Fenwick, University of Stirling

Mardi 10 mai 2016 - 18h30 - Uni Mail - salle 1150


Professional practice and learning in fields ranging from health and education to urban planning and engineering are being transformed by two interlocking forces: the ‘big data’ deluge, and the software algorithms that are collecting, comparing, and calculating it to make predictions and even decisions. A range of critics have been calling attention to the wide reaching and accelerating consequences of these forces, claiming that we –professionals, researchers, policy makers and the public -are just beginning to realise the enormous challenges they are producing. In this presentation I explore some key issues for  our  understandings of professional knowledge and  practice posed  by  these digital analytics. I willoutline definitions and forms of these forces, with plenty of examples drawn from diverse fields such as health and social care, education, architecture and management. I suggest critical questions for researchers and educators in professional fields, then turn explicitly to examine implications for professional education.

Présentation de la conférencière

Tara Fenwick is Professor of Education at the University of Stirling in the UK, and Director of ProPEL, international network for research in Professional Practice, Education and Learning, Her research focuses on understanding learning and practice in the changing complexities of professional work. Currently her major projects focus on professionals' use of social medi; co-production in practice (its politics and accountabilities); 'difficulty' in simulation education; and changing regimes of professionalism and professional responsibility. Recent books include Professional Responsability and Professionalism: A Sociomaterial Examination (Routledge, 2016), Reconceptualising Professional Learning: Sociomaterial Knowledges and Practices (with M. Nerland, Routledge, 2014), Professional Learning in Changing Contexts (with M. Nerland, Routledge, 2013), Emerging Approaches for Educational Research: Tracing the Sociomaterial (with R. Edwards and P. Sawchuk, Routledge, 2011), and Actor Network Theory in Education (with R. Edwards, Routledge, 2010).

18 avril 2016