
Development, Learning and Intervention in the School Context

The research group Development, Learning and Intervention in the School Context is led by Prof. Marcel Crahay.

Research Fields

The group is made of two "research units", defining two lines of research.

AIDE (Learning and Intervention in Educative Systems)

  1. Analysis of children’s difficulties when confronted to school tasks.
  2. Study of means by which teachers diagnose children’s difficulties, and study of teacher beliefs regarding teaching and learning.
  3. Construction and study of teaching tools designed to prevent or cope with such difficulties.
  4. Study of motivational factors implied in learning contexts.

ISAC (Social Interactions and Cooperative Learning)

ISAC research team investigates factors that allow to structure efficient group work at both social and cognitive levels. Research examines several peer-learning methods in order to shed light on the interactive dynamics that can occur in each method, and to study the links between these interactive dynamics and learning outcomes. This line of research articulates three theoretical frameworks: cooperative learning, social interactions, and social psychology (and more precisely social influence).