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New publication - Tracing the evolution of international environmental law



Jörg Balsiger, along with several colleagues from various institutions, recently published an article reviewing the evolution of international environmental law in Global Environmental Politics.

This article uses the International Environmental Agreements Data Base (IEADB) to retrace the evolution of international environmental law. Created in 2002, the IEADB catalogs the texts, memberships, and design features of over 3,000 multilateral and bilateral environmental agreements. In this article, the researchers analyze how the number, subjects, and state memberships in international environmental law have changed over time.

As the authors point out, "the IEADB offers scholars, practitioners, and students a comprehensive overview of the state and evolution of international environmental lawmaking" and, as such, opens up broad research realms.

For more information and the full article, you can visit the Global Environmental Politics homepage.

14 février 2020
  Actualités 2020