


Associate Professor

L 709
+41 (0)22 379 73 58

Office and Office Hour / Bureau et heure de réception

Eric Haeberli received a ‘Licence ès Lettres’ (English, French, History) from the University of Geneva, an MA in Linguistics from the University of London (UCL) and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Geneva. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania and at the University of York. He taught English linguistics as an ‘assistant’ and ‘maître-assistant’ in Geneva and linguistics as a lecturer at the University of Reading (UK) before taking up his current post in 2003.

His main research interests are in the domain of syntactic variation and change. More specifically, his work focuses on: the syntax of early English (Old and Middle English); the development of English syntax throughout its history, with a special focus on word order and verbal syntax; the creation and use of syntactically annotated corpora in the study of syntactic variation and change; syntactic variation and change in Germanic from the perspective of generative syntactic theory.

Member of the editorial board of Historical Syntax.

Member of LAGB (Linguistics Association of Great Britain), LSA (Linguistic Society of America), The Philological Society, GLOW (Generative Linguistics in the Old World), and SAUTE (Swiss Association of University Teachers of English).

